Nariman Jahani, PhD

Training Background/Current Position

  • Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Pennsylvania Aug. 2016 - present
  • PhD, Mechanical Engineering, University of Iowa 2011 - 2016
  • M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology 2008 - 2010
  • B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad 2004 - 2008

Research Projects

  • Developing image registration techniques to serial breast MRI scans to obtain spatial-temporal maps of longitudinal changes by treatment.
  • Extracting feature to obtain multi-parametric response of tumor and normal tissue changes.
  • Developing an imaging phenotype model to predict response to breast neoadjuvant chemotherapy.

Selected Publications

  • Jahani N, Choi S, Choi J, Haghighi B, Hoffman EA, Comellas AP, Kline NJ, Lin C. "A four-dimensional computed tomography comparison of healthy and asthmatic human lungs." Journal of Biomechanics 56 (2017): 102-110.
  • Jahani N, Choi S, Choi J, Iyer K, Hoffman EA, Lin C. "Assessment of Regional Ventilation and Deformation Using 4D-CT Imaging for Healthy Human Lungs during Tidal Breathing." Journal of Applied Physiology. 08/2015; 119 (10):1064-1074. 
  • Jahani N, Yin Y, Hoffman EA, Lin C. "Assessment of Regional Non-linear Tissue Deformation and Air Volume Change of Human Lungs via Image Registration." Journal of Biomechanics. 05/2014; 47(7). 
  • Khoshmehr H, Saboonchi A, Shafii MB, Jahani N. "The study of magnetic field implementation on cylinder quenched in boiling ferro-fluid." Applied Thermal Engineering. 03/2014; 64(s 1–2):331–338. 
  • Shafii MB, Daneshvar F, Jahani N, Mobini K. "Effect of Ferrofluid on the Performance and Emission Patterns of a Four-Stroke Diesel Engine." Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 01/2011; 2011(1687-8132). 

Complete List of Published Work: 

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