LSPFI Research Image: MRI-Derived Cerebrovascular Reactivity (CVR)


Research at the Laboratory for Structural, Physiologic and Functional Imaging is primarily focused on the continued development of image-based quantitative methods for the study of tissue oxygen metabolism at enhanced temporal and spatial resolution, and the study of degenerative and acquired vascular disease of the brain and other organ systems, including the human placenta and fetus. A related area of concentration is development of technology for the evaluation of preclinical vascular disease.

LSPFI is also active in developing methods for quantitative assessment of metabolic and degenerative skeletal disorders. Ongoing projects target creation of cranial models and orthopedic applications of high-resolution 3D anatomical models.


Faculty and Staff

Felix Werner Wehrli, PhD

Felix Wehrli, PhD

  • Director, Laboratory for Structural, Functional and Physiologic Imaging
  • Professor of Radiologic Science, Biochemistry and Biophysics

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Hee Kwon Song,  PhD

Hee Kwon Song, PhD

Associate Professor of Radiology

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Chamith S. Rajapakse, PhD

Chamith Rajapakse, PhD

Associate Professor of Radiology

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Michael C. Langham, PhD

Michael Langham, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiology

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Alessandra Caporale, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher

Alexander Barclay, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow

Alexandria Batzdorf

Research Specialist

Rajiv Deshpande

HHMI Graduate Student

Sisi Tang, BS

MRI Research Specialist

Brandon Jones

Graduate Student

Kelly Sexton

Clinical Research Coordinator

Holly Stefanow

Associate Director and Project Manager


Rajapakse CS, Johncola AJ, Batzdorf AS, Jones BC, Al Mukaddam M, Sexton K, Shults J, Leonard MB, Snyder PJ, Wehrli FW. Effect of Low-Intensity Vibration on Bone Strength, Microstructure, and Adiposity in Pre-Osteoporotic Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial. J Bone Miner Res. 2021 Apr;36(4):673-684. 

Lee H, Wehrli FW. Alternating Unbalanced SSFP for 3D R2' Mapping of the Human Brain. Magn Reson Med. 2021 May;85(5):2391-2402. 

Caporale A, Lee H, Lei H, Rao H, Langham MC, Detre JA, Wu PH, Wehrli FW. Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen During Transition from Wakefulness to Sleep Measured with High Temporal Resolution OxFlow MRI with Concurrent EEG. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2021 Apr;41(4):780-792. 

Wu PH, Rodríguez-Soto AE, Rodgers ZB, Englund EK, Wiemken A, Langham MC, Detre JA, Schwab RJ, Guo W, Wehrli FW. MRI Evaluation of Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Obstructive Sleep Apnea. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2020 Jun;40(6):1328-1337. 

Caporale A, Langham MC, Guo W, Johncola A, Chatterjee S, Wehrli FW. Acute Effects of Electronic Cigarette Aerosol Inhalation on Vascular Function Detected at Quantitative MRI. Radiology. 2019 Oct;293(1):97-106. 


University of Pennsylvania
1 Founders Building
3400 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: 215-662-7951



Learn more about the Laboratory for Structural, Physiologic and Functional Imaging (LSPFI)

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