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Key Components:

  • Curriculum:
  • Capstone Improvement Project:
    • Residents design, implement, and study their own improvement initiative within an interdisciplinary team
    • Participate in the Capstone Project Innovation Bootcamp to learn blended PI and Design-Thinking methods and apply them to project work
    • Must be submitted in abstract form to a local or national meeting
    • Download list of current residents and their projects
  • Experiential and Mentorship:
    • Join a Quality/Safety/Informatics Committee based on resident's specialty
    • Residents apply and develop their quality improvement skills sets under the guidance and mentorship of their departmental quality/safety leaders
    • Experiential involvement exposes residents to diverse quality and safety issues in the clinical care settings
  • Leadership Development:
    • Executive Mentoring: One-on-one mentoring from a Penn Medicine executive utilizing the experience, reflect, feedback model
    • Leadership seminars: Evening dinners that cover a broad range of leadership topics from health advocacy to emotional intelligence

Why Choose Us?

  • Lead the Change at Penn Medicine: Residents are able to develop an improvement initiative from beginning of an idea, its implementation, and all the way through publication. Residents will be able to witness how their quality improvement project can improve patient outcomes and care processes.
  • Develop Leadership Skills: Residents can take their leadership skills to the next level with education in a variety of leadership topics such as effective communication, negotiation, and change management. The track aims to teach residents how to effectively lead and motivate others. Residents can also learn how Penn executives approach management on a big scale and gain career advice from them. Executives participating in the program include UPHS’ Chief Medical Officer and Chief Medical Information Officer, Penn Presbyterian’s CEO, and many other top-level officers.
  • Gain Skills in Quality Improvement: Residents will participate in a unique Capstone Project Innovation Bootcamp where training in process improvements tools and innovation techniques is provided to help residents successfully execute their chosen improvement initiative. The bootcamp accelerates residents’ learning curve by allowing them to gain insights into health care problems, test concepts quickly and at low cost, measure what works (and what does not), and change direction based on what is learned.
  • Gain Scholarship Experience: Residents can showcase their skills in quality improvement and disseminate their initiatives by presenting their project in UPHS’ departments meetings and conferences. Residents also go on to present their capstone project abstracts in regional and national conferences as well as having their manuscripts published.
  • Explore a Career Pathway: Residents have gone on to become leaders both within UPHS and elsewhere with positions such as Chief Medical Officer, Associate Program Director, Chief Quality and Safety Officer, Clinical Innovation Manager, Clinical Informatics Manager and Director of Quality.
  • Receive a Certificate of Quality and Safety Leadership: Upon completion of the track, residents are officially recognized as healthcare quality leaders by UPHS with a formal certificate of Quality and Safety.
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