David H. Henry,  MD

David Henry, MD is a graduate of Princeton University and received his MD degree from the University of Pennsylvania Medical School. He is a practicing medical oncologist/hematologist at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia where he is also a Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.

In addition to his clinical responsibilities, he is a member of the American Society of Hematology Committee on Communications and a principal investigator for the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. He is also principal investigator for several AIDS oncology and cytokine studies which are his principal areas of publication and research. He is a sometime reviewer for the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of Clinical Oncology, and the Archives of Internal Medicine and co-editor of Community Oncology Journal. Dr. Henry also hosts Blood and Cancer, a weekly podcast for MDEdge Hematology and Oncology, which interviews leading experts in the field and covers the latest hot topics.

For his teaching, he is a past winner of the Blockley-Osler Award at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and he is the Director of the University of Vienna medical exchange program in Philadelphia.

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