Our program is an accredited four-year postgraduate training program based at Pennsylvania hospital, within the University of Pennsylvania Health system.

The residency program in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Penn has a total of 24 physicians, six in each year. Our program has been continually accredited by the Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology (CREOG) since 1955. In addition, the program fulfills all requirements established by the National Residency Review Committee (RRC).

Residents receive in-depth clinical and didactic training in all aspects of women's health care – obstetrics, gynecology, family planning, primary care, gynecologic oncology, reproductive endocrinology and infertility, maternal fetal medicine, human genetics, and urogynecology.

As part of Penn Medicine, Pennsylvania Hospital is a major teaching site for Penn medical students for both their core OB/GYN rotation and subspecialty electives. Pennsylvania Hospital residents play a key role in the education, clinical experience, and evaluation of medical students.


The Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Training Program at Pennsylvania Hospital values intrinsically-motivated learners of diverse individual strengths, interests, and skills. We believe that every learner wants to excel, both for the benefit of their patients and themselves. As such, we envision that the environment and opportunity at Pennsylvania Hospital will encourage our resident physicians to build successful, productive, and happy careers in the direction of their choosing.


Our mission is to provide experience in general and subspecialty OBGYN domains, service to community, and scholarly pursuit. We believe that all learning occurs within a social and cultural environment, and that the health of that environment is crucial to the quality of the learning that it holds. We believe that the patient is the best teacher. We believe that the best learning incorporates abstract thought, concrete experience, active experimentation, and reflective observation in different measure for each resident. We believe in graduated progression from dependent learner to independent practitioner. Our goal is to graduate residents who think independently and act autonomously, who are prepared to care for the women in their community, and who continue learning lifelong.


Over 5,000 babies are born at Pennsylvania Hospital annually. The residents are involved in the management of all patients. In July 2008, a "laborist model" for attending coverage on the labor and delivery unit was instituted. The laborist system means that for any 24-hour shift, there are two attending physicians on staff whose only responsibility is to oversee the labor and delivery floor. The laborist model has led to improved attending-resident collaboration with the ultimate goal of improving patient safety.

Residents gain outpatient experience through subspecialty rotations and working at Women and Children's Health Services (LCWH), the resident-run practice. One-fifth of our patients receive their care at LCWH, where there are about 15,000 outpatient visits per year. The volume of patients at the clinic provides residents with the unique experience of operating a high volume clinic and being the primary physician for patients with a wide variety of obstetric and gynecologic issues. We also promote and provide care to the large Latina population in the area through Latina Community Health Services.

Gynecology services at Pennsylvania Hospital perform over 2,300 procedures annually. The residents participate in all cases and are either the surgeon or first assistant for the vast majority of cases. In addition, Pennsylvania Hospital is a leader in minimally invasive and robotic gynecologic surgery.

  • Leadership

    Meet the leadership team for Pennsylvania Hospital's Obstetrics and Gynecology residency program.

  • Curriculum and Application

    Pennsylvania Hospital Department of OB/GYN curriculum overview and application process.

  • Resident Information

    Grand Rounds, conferences and other useful information about the Pennsylvania Hospital OB/GYN residency program.

  • Residents

    Meet the residents of the Pennsylvania Hospital OB/GYN program.

  • Graduate Follow up

    See where our recent graduates are now.

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