Nursing and Advanced Practice Providers Information

All Penn Medicine students are required to attend computer training as part of the student nurse orientation program. It is the responsibility of the course coordinator and/or clinical instructor to contact Penn Medicine Training and Education Department to arrange for a computer training class for the InPatient EMR. 

Students are not allowed to administer medications without having attended the InPatient EMR training and having received a system password/log-on. Computer training may take up to eight hours. If you have questions regarding computer training for instructors or students, email

For Graduate Students

Coordinators – Please contact the clinical faculty or preceptor for required system application training for your graduate students. Then request the appropriate training by emailing

For Undergraduate Students

Coordinators – Request InPatient EMR training for your undergraduate students by emailing

Requests should include the number of students needing the InPatient EMR training along with potential dates for training. Please email the information services education team at the address below with the pertinent information.

All requests for education, notifications regarding course attendance and scheduling should be directed to

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