You deserve to quit… and you deserve to quit comfortably.

Quitting is scary. Many people build up various fears and worries about what will happen when they stop smoking. Fear is common and it can be limiting during the quitting process. Being informed and prepared will help you manage these concerns. Knowing the truth about some of the most common misconceptions is the first step on the path to quitting comfortably.

Our support includes individualized and specific strategies for helping people overcome nicotine addiction. We work alongside our patients without guilt or hassle for as long as it takes.

The fundamental difference between the way we address smoking and the way it has been thought about in the past is that we treat it as a medical condition that needs to be controlled… just like asthma or diabetes.

  • We won’t make you feel ashamed about smoking.
  • We won’t frighten you into quitting.
  • We won’t rely on gimmicks for treatment.
  • We do not expect you to quit smoking at your first visit.

We will collaborate with you every step of the way, to find the right combination of treatments to empower you to quit safely and comfortably.

Call us today at 888-PENN-STOP to learn more about our Smoking Treatment Clinic and our community Quit Smoking Comfortably programs.

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