Pennsylvania Hospital

Below is a partial list of the volunteer opportunities available at Pennsylvania Hospital. If you have an interest other than those listed, please ask if volunteers are accepted in that specific area. The availability of these opportunities is based on the current needs of the requesting department and the volunteer's suitability, experience and time commitment. Volunteers are asked to work a minimum of four hours per week. Evening and weekend hours are available in certain areas. Individuals can work one or more volunteer shifts each week.

Public/Patient/Visitor Services

  • Information Desks: Greet patients and visitors and provide information and directions. A highly visible and interesting position located in one of three lobbies.
  • Gift Shop: Operate cash register, assist with sales of gift items, notions, and candy. Requires any four-hour shift between 9 am and 4 pm (weekdays).
  • Admissions Desk: Greet patients and families and assist staff with the admission process for patients. Requires any two to four-hour shift between 8 am and 5 pm (weekdays).

Patient Care

  • Volunteer Patient Representative: Visit new admissions to welcome and orient them to the non-medical hospital services and address their concerns. Requires any two to four-hour shift between 8 am and 5 pm (weekdays).
  • Bookmobile: Take library cart to patients' rooms, help patients select reading materials and organize library. Requires any three-hour shift between 9 am and 8 pm (weekdays). Some weekends are available.
  • Paws for Pennsy Animal-Assisted Therapy: Make room visits to patients with your certified pet. Requires that pet be certified by official pet certification agency. Shifts are usually one to two hours and can be weekdays during the day or on weekends during the day.
  • Emergency Department: Assist medical staff and patients by adding a personal touch; Act as the liaison for patients and families in the waiting room and between staff and patients; Provide comfort measures to patients such as water, juice, blankets; Make telephone calls for patients and run errands; Help maintain personal presence for patients and their families during times of stress. This is a great opportunity for pre-med and post baccalaureate students.

Non-Patient Services

  • Clerical: For those who would like to volunteer in non-patient areas, there are many administrative/business departments who need help with typing, database entry, various computer work, filing, photocopying, answering telephones and running errands. Requires at least one two to four-hour shift between 9 am and 5 pm (weekdays).

Many additional opportunities are available. Apply for the Adult Volunteer Program or call us at 215-829-5187 for more information.

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