Our Reconstructive Urology Program provides comprehensive surgical treatment for the urinary organs and male genitals. Our surgeons restore function after trauma, cancer, previous surgeries and congenital (present at birth) conditions.

Genital Reconstruction Surgery: The Penn Medicine Advantage

At Penn Medicine, we have the skill and resources to perform all types of urologic and genital reconstruction surgery. With our program, you have access to:

  • Leading experts: Reconstructive urologic surgery requires highly skilled surgeons who specialize in these procedures. Our surgeons are leaders in this advanced area of medicine, performing the most complex and delicate reconstructive urology procedures. Meet our reconstructive urology specialists.
  • Multispecialty teamwork: Our urology surgeons collaborate with other specialties at Penn to provide you with seamless care all in one place. Our urology surgeons regularly partner with Penn plastic surgeons, gastroenterologists, dermatologists, colorectal surgeons and orthopedic surgeons. We also collaborate with cancer experts in our Genitourinary (GU) Cancer Program to provide the most advanced treatment for recurrent or rare genitourinary cancers.
  • Advanced surgical techniques: As a respected academic hospital, our doctors provide the latest advances in genital reconstructive surgery, including surgery for penile trauma. We use robotic and minimally invasive options, when possible, which provide faster recoveries.
  • Groundbreaking urology care: At Penn, you have access to the newest and best advances in reconstructive urology care. For example, our urologists and dermatologists have formed an innovative partnership to treat penile cancer in one procedure. This unique partnership improves care by helping patients avoid a second procedure. First, our dermatologists perform Mohs surgery to remove the cancer with precision. Then, our urologists reconstruct the penis to restore function.

Types of Urologic Reconstructive Surgery

Our skilled surgeons have specialized expertise in all types of reconstructive urology surgeries, including:

Bladder reconstruction

People often need surgery to reconstruct the bladder after bladder cancer, after bladder injury or due to congenital conditions such as spina bifida, bladder exstrophy and prune belly syndrome. We also repair bladder neck contracture (narrowing) after prostate surgery.

Genitourinary fistula repair

A fistula is an abnormal connection between two organs that requires specialized reconstructive surgery. Genitourinary fistulas often affect the kidneys, bladder and urethra (the tube that carries urine out of the body from the bladder). But fistulas can also reach the rectum, intestines and other organs. Our urology surgeons partner with Penn colorectal and orthopedic surgeons when needed to address the most complex cases.

Penile and male genital reconstruction

Our surgeons offer penile reconstruction and male genital reconstruction surgery for:

  • Buried penis (when a penis is retracted under scar tissue in the abdomen and scrotum)
  • Circumcision complications or revisions
  • Genital injuries
  • Peyronie's disease (curved penis)
  • Penile cancer
  • Penile trauma
  • Previous penile surgery complications
  • Testicular cancer

Our surgeons are also skilled in treating congenital conditions that need continued care, such as epispadias, exstrophy and hypospadias. Learn more about our Pediatric to Adult Transitional Urology Program.

Prosthetic urology

Prosthetic urology procedures help restore function after prostate or bladder cancer, and can treat erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence. Learn more about our Prosthetic Urology Program.

Ureter reconstruction surgery

The ureter is the tube that connects the kidneys and bladder. It can become damaged from previous surgeries, cancer or congenital conditions.

We offer complete ureter reconstruction options including ureter reimplantation, ureteral reconstruction and repair of the ureteropelvic junction. These procedures are designed to allow urine to flow freely so the urinary system can function normally.

Urethroplasty (urethral reconstruction surgery)

Urethroplasty repairs and reconstructs the urethra. Our surgeons repair urethral strictures (narrowing or scarring of the urethra) to allow for improved urine flow.

Urinary incontinence surgery

Our surgeons perform specialized procedures to treat stress incontinence (urine leakage with coughing, sneezing or activity). Our surgical repair options include minimally invasive surgeries and mesh-free autologous fascial sling procedures. Learn more about these treatment options in our Bladder Dysfunction, Prolapse and Incontinence Treatment Program.

Convenient Care from Reconstructive Urology Specialists

We make it easier to schedule your appointments at Penn urology locations throughout the Philadelphia region, southeastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

Make an Appointment

Call 800-789-7366 or request a callback.

In This Section

Pediatric to Adult Transitional Urology

Our transitional urology program helps you move from pediatric to adult urology care. We also care for adults with congenital urology conditions.

Prosthetic Urology

Our prosthetic urology surgeons offer penile prosthesis for ED and surgery for incontinence, including artificial urinary sphincter and sling surgery.

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