The Obstetrical Anesthesia Fellowship allows advanced obstetric anesthesia subspecialty training. The program's emphasis on clinical sciences and scholarly activity includes:

  • Promoting expertise necessary to deliver comprehensive perioperative care to the obstetric patient
  • Becoming involved in the acquisition of new knowledge through clinical investigation and study
  • Developing educational skills by supervising residents and instructing them by means of both formal and case-oriented teaching

Candidates should be from accredited anesthesia residencies, and have completed a CA-3 year by the beginning of the fellowship. The fellowship is typically 12 calendar months.

Clinical Responsibilities

  • Clinical care - Clinical obligations include on-call responsibilities as determined by the needs of the department and the educational objectives of the fellowship. Typically, fellows spend a minimum of 50 days per annum functioning as junior attendings in areas outside the fellowship. Non-clinical time (research, etc.) must be approved prospectively and 120 days of clinical activity is the minimum expected of all fellows.
  • Clinical research
  • Supervision of residents

Educational Responsibilities

These include, but are not limited to continuous self-education and participation in the OB Anesthesia lecture series. Weekly attendance at Departmental Grand Rounds is required of all clinical fellows, and fellows are expected to participate in one yearly presentation at this forum under the guidance of the Director of Obstetrical Anesthesia.

Fellows are expected to attend weekly Departmental Research Conferences. The Department of Anesthesia budgets $2,000 per academic year for use at the fellow's discretion for books, journals, or expenses incurred while attending approved continuing education activities.

Academic Responsibilities

Participation in on-going, approved clinical research protocols or development of a clinical research idea and pathway. Participation in either form of academic activity should lead to a presentation at a national specialty forum and to subsequent preparation of an interdepartmental scholarly review manuscript.

Faculty Supervision

The Director of Obstetrical Anesthesia submits an individualized document describing the goals of the proposed Clinical Fellowship and the mechanism by which progress towards those goals is to be measured. In addition, the Director of Obstetrical Anesthesia submits a quarterly progress report to the Departmental Director of Education for inclusion into a permanent file for each Clinical Fellow.

For further information, please contact or to request an application, please contact:

Melissa Kulynych
Manager, Medical Education
Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
University of Pennsylvania Health System
3400 Spruce Street, 5 Dulles, Dripps Library
Philadelphia, PA 19104

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