
For every person, every time, we provide the quality and safety of care we would expect for our own family.


Using principles of quality improvement science, our faculty, staff and trainees implement systems to sustain the safest, highest quality care across the continuum.


  • Data driven, evidence-based, focus on fundamentals
  • Inter-professional, aligned, and coordinated across the continuum
  • Setting and communicating achievable and sustainable goals, leveraging existing momentum and tools
  • Respecting patients as individuals, and partnering with them in their care
  • Quality improvement and patient safety as core to Department of Medicine culture – it’s what we do


  1. Create and ensure alignment
  2. Target aligned clinical priorities
  3. Leverage informatics and integration of our electronic health records to advance goals
  4. Promote clinician and trainee development and engagement in quality improvement and patient safety
  5. Facilitate development and availability of resources through greater alignment
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