The core curriculum and goals for the first and second years of the Allergy and Immunology Fellowship Program include the following:

Professor talking about plants on a nature walk 
  • Perform history and physical exam, and order diagnostic tests relevant to the allergic, immunologic or cutaneous complaint
  • Perform allergic immediate skin test and interpret delayed hypersensitivity (patch) skin testing
  • Perform desensitization to inhalant allergens and drugs
  • Perform and interpret spirometry, full pulmonary function tests and methacholine challenges
  • Demonstrate proficiency in fiberoptic rhinoscopy
  • Perform oral challenges to foods and drug
  • Gain knowledge of the principles, objectives and processes of quality assessment, improvement and patient safety and event reporting.  Fellows aspiring to be leaders in healthcare quality, patient safety, or informatics can apply for and engage in the Heathcare Leadership for Quality Residency Track
  • Design, perform, analyze and synthesize Research (clinical, basic, translational). Write and submit manuscripts for peer-review publication before the end of the second year
  • Understand and master immunology principles through the Basic Immunology Course. This intensive review course, led by Dr. Scott Feldman, involves interactive sessions, uses the Abbas textbook as a guide.  Fellows review the textbook twice during their training
  • Prepare for career planning in academic positions, community practice positions, and industry


We are dedicated to fostering an environment of collegiality and a well-rounded and healthy training experience for our fellows. We are constantly seeking ways to foster a sense of balance and community without our program (with faculty, fellows, clinic staff), and there are effective institutional resources available to trainees.  

Inclusion and Diversity

At Penn, we are fully committed to the ideals of diversity and equity in health care, our communitites, and our training program.  This commitment is reflected in our research patient care, teaching and culture.  In addition, there is an active Office of Inclusion and Diversity, which serves as a resource for all staff at Penn. 

Life at Penn and in Philadelphia

Life at Penn Medicine

Life in Philadelphia

You can follow Penn's A&I fellowship program on Twitter @Upenn_Allergy


The following are various conferences and lecture series of the core curriculum.

A&I Summer Boot Camp Lecture Series

July during orientation week

A&I Summer lecture series

Fridays 8 am (July-Aug)

Research speed-dating session


A&I Friday Conference

Friday 8 to 9 am (Sept – June)

Basic Immunology Review

Every other week, October to May

A&I Journal Club

Fourth Thursday of each month, 9 am

Consult rounds

Every Tuesday, 8-8:30 am

Joint A&I / Rheumatology Conference

Two times per year, 8 to 10 am

CHOP Immunology Conference

Every Wednesday at lunch

CHOP Allergy Conference

Every Wednesday at lunch

ACAAI National Conference


AAAAI National Conference


PAAA National Conference

Pennsylvania Regional Conference in Summer

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