Dr. Michael Beers heads this program. The bench science program includes characterization of the biosynthetic pathways for surfactant system components, the role of cellular quality control pathways in the pathogenesis of parenchymal lung disease, and the function of surfactant in immunity and inflammation. Other members of the bench research group include Dr. Surafel Mulugeta and Dr. Arie Hawkins. In collaboration with the Center for Translational Lung Biology, a translational program in Interstitial Lung Disease has been developed which utilizes a patient data base, biospecimens, and lung explants for proof of concept studies and investigator-initiated questions. The program is funded by Veterans Administration Merit Review, an RO1 grant, and the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation.

Specific Projects include:

  • Characterization of The Biosynthesis of Surfactant Protein C
  • Protein Synthesis and Quality Control In the Lung Epithelium (UPR, ERAD, autophagy)
  • Using SP-C and ABCA3 mutations to understand the pathogenesis of fibrotic lung diseases (Adult IPF patients and transgenic mouse models)
  • Questions in Alveolar Epithelial Cell Biology (Lamellar Body genesis; endocytosis; regulated secretion)
  • Lung Collectins and Host Defense
  • Lung Collectins and Inflammation (Bleomycin, hyperoxia)
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