A longstanding focus of this group has been oxidant injury and ischemia/reperfusion injury, while more recent work has established clinical and genetic risk factors for ARDS, identifying novel endotypes of the syndrome, and examining the role of neutrophils, red blood cells, glycans, and proteins in the development of lung injury. Translational research within the group is enhanced by collaborations with large sepsis, trauma, and transplant cohorts of critically ill patients.

The group has a strong interest in emerging therapeutics and the potential for precision medicine. Key collaborations have been established with Dr. Vladimir Muzykantov from the Center for Targeted Therapeutics and Translational Nanomedicine, Drs. Dan Huh and Susan Margulies of the Department of Bioengineering, Dr. Ed Morrissey of Developmental Biology, and Dr. Scott Worthen from the Department of Neonatology. Within the Division, Drs. Christofidou-Solomidou, Mangalmurti, and DeLisser lead the bench research of lung injury while Drs. Christie, Meyer, Shashaty, and Reilly coordinate the clinical and translational ARDS research.

Specific faculty interests include:

  • Jason Christie, MD, MSCE
    • Molecular Epidemiology of Acute Lung Injury
    • Role of Oxidants in Development of ARDS
    • Outcomes after ARDS
  • Horace DeLisser, MD
    • Role of PECAM-1 in angiogenesis and tumor cell metastasis
    • Role of hyaluronan receptors (RHAMM and CD44) in angiogenesis
    • Role of cell adhesion molecules in post-natal lung development
  • Nilam Mangalmurti, MD
    • Role of endothelial innate immune receptors in lung injury
    • Role of cell adhesion molecules in post-natal lung development
    • Role of regulated necrosis in the development of lung injury
  • Nuala Meyer, MD
    • Genetic risk factors for ARDS
    • Functional genomics of lung injury
    • Molecular epidemiology of severe sepsis in the ICU (MESSI cohort study)
    • Identification of sepsis and ARDS endotypes for precision therapy
  • Vladimir Muzykantov, MD, PhD [Pharmacology]
    • Lung drug delivery using nanoparticles
    • Intracellular delivery of antioxidants in the pulmonary endothelium
    • Targeting drugs to endothelial cells
    • Vascular drug delivery using blood cells as carriers
  • John Reilly, MD
    • Blood group as a molecular risk factor for ARDS
    • Role of Glycobiology in ARDS pathogenesis and outcome
  • Michael Shashaty, MD
    • Clinical and molecular risk factors for acute kidney failure in critically ill patients
    • Impact of obesity on organ failure during critical illness
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