Our mission is to surpass the limitations of conventional methods by developing advanced imaging tools that provide clinicians with precise, targeted, and personalized information needed for diagnostics and therapy. Our expertise spans from fundamental X-ray physics to clinical translational topics. We excel in both software and hardware solutions for CT technology, including spectral CT imaging, ultra-high-resolution imaging with photon-counting detectors, deep learning for image reconstruction, and phase-contrast and dark-field X-ray imaging. Our in-house developed PixelPrint technology, which leads the way in creating lifelike 3D-printed CT phantoms, accelerates the clinical translation of novel X-ray and computed tomography technologies.

Dr. Peter Noël
Principle Investigator / Director of CT Research
Laboratory for Advanced Computed Tomography Imaging
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Contact Information
Dr. Peter Noël
Laboratory for Advanced Computed Tomography Imaging
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Radiology
3400 Spruce Street, One Silverstein
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: +1 (215) 898-8212
Email: pbnoel@upenn.edu
Learn More About LACTI
In This Section:
PixelPrint technology was developed by the LACTI team at Penn Medicine and helps improve CT imaging.