Contrast Enhanced Sonography

The use of micro-bubble based contrast agents for enhancing ultrasound images is now FDA approved for cardiac imaging, and being evaluated for other clinical applications. Ultrasound Research Services has the resources necessary for performing this type of imaging in both fundamental and harmonic modes and the capability for both qualitative and quantitative assessment of such images.

Quantitative Analysis of Images

All the ultrasound images used for research purposes are taken in loops. When video tape is used, there is a facility for labeling individual frames on the tape and digitizing them frame by frame for computer analysis. An extensive software package has been developed in-house that allows semi-automated analysis of large data sets (up to 10,000 images per set) of sonographic and Doppler images. This resource allows monitoring of flow and gray-scale changes at a temporal resolution of 30 ms. The software also has a large set of tools for measuring regional and global changes in vascularity and gray scale texture. This computer program is particularly suited for evaluating the kinetic response of the organs to pharmaceuticals.

Who Can Benefit from These Resources

  • Investigators with existing grants and protocols approved by the human and animal care committees.
  • Investigators who plan to submit grants and need help in developing imaging protocols.
  • Investigators who need pilot data.
  • Investigators who are interested in using ultrasound imaging to monitor vascular and tissue response of various pharmaceuticals and other forms of therapies.

On a limited scale, Ultrasound Research Services will help the investigators acquire feasibility data, which may help to strengthen grant proposals.

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