Our research activity spans a wide range of topics. Click the “Research Programs” title to learn more about our varied activities, including our Academic Associates research volunteers program, our Research Day program, and other highlights.

  • Academic Associates Program

    Providing premedical and pre-health post-baccalaureate students an opportunity for clinical and translational research activities in the Emergency Department.

  • BOOST3 Trial

    Learn about a study of emergency care in patients with severe traumatic brain injury. This study may affect you or someone you know!

  • Emergency Care Policy and Research

    Developing the methods and outcomes for measuring and improving the value of emergency care.

  • Research Day

    Drop by and learn about current research from Penn's Emergency Department faculty, nurses, residents, fellows.

  • Resuscitation Science

    The science of acute resuscitation from cardiac arrest.

  • Social Media and Health Innovation

    The science of digital technology to improve health communication and patient care.

  • Toxicology

    A strong research emphasis on factors associated with the rising morbidity and mortality associated with the Prescription Drug Epidemic. Projects have focused on physician education about safe opioid prescribing, the impact of opioid prescribing guidelines on physician decisionmaking, and contributing factors to the recent increase in opioid and benzodiazepine prescriptions.

  • Emergency Medicine Bedside Ultrasound

    Research in the The Division Of Emergency Ultrasound.

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