Faculty Headshots

Penn Medicine and the Department of Ophthalmology are partnering with Capturely to remotely take your photo almost anywhere when it is convenient for you. The professional photographers will guide you through your photo session using your own phone and ensure you are completely satisfied with your new headshot. This headshot will be used on Penn’s website as well as the Department’s website and materials like the departmental annual report.

How to Schedule a Session:

  • Using your smartphone, download the Capturely app (Android or iPhone).
  • Copy your Session ID Number from the Capturely app (you will need this to schedule a session).
  • Please navigate to the following URL to schedule a 10-minute photo session: Schedule your session.
  • Add the calendar reminder to your schedule and review all text messages and emails from Capturely prior to your virtual photoshoot.
  • To ensure a successful photoshoot experience and deliver a high-quality, professional headshot, please review the preparation instructions before your session.
  • Providers are asked to wear their white coat for the photo session. If your white coat is not available, please wait to schedule your photo session.

Please contact headshot@pennmedicine.upenn.edu with any inquiries regarding your headshot:

Penn Medicine’s Headshot Team
Website: PennMedicine.org/Headshots
Email Address: headshot@pennmedicine.upenn.edu
Address: Corporate Office
3600 Market Street
5th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Website Development for Labs/Centers:

PMACS provides a number of web development and design services for faculty, staff, and students within the Perelman School of Medicine to support the School's education and research efforts.

PMACS Web Team

Web Hosting

More About MODX

Faculty Newsletter:

Stay informed with the weekly Faculty Newsletter, which includes important announcements, funding opportunities, and events.  You can request to submit a newsletter item.

Faculty Newsletter Archive

Submit News Items

Annual Report and Web Articles:

For a requested article feature, story, or patient testimonial to be featured in the Department of Ophthalmology’s annual report or website, please contact maressa.park@pennmedicine.upenn.edu.

Notable Dates for Faculty:

Please view notable dates for faculty.

Please view our departmental calendar.

Digital Displays and Signage:

Guidelines for using PSOM digital signage and the Smilow Video Wall, used for advertising various events and initiatives.


Guidelines for using Penn Medicine logos and branding, plus tips for effective social use.

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