Leading the Mission to Prevent and Reverse Blindness

Worldwide, 285 million people are visually impaired and 39 million are blind. Penn Ophthalmology is a preeminent medical research center at the forefront of preventing and reversing visual impairment and blindness. In 2017, Penn Ophthalmology pioneered the first gene therapy for a hereditary retinal disease to be approved by the FDA. This therapy has allowed patients born with blinding conditions to regain and maintain vision. Researchers at Penn are currently developing therapies for a range of other blinding disorders. Many of the Department's advances in vision-saving therapy have been made possible by donations from individuals and organizations.

In the lead up to the 50th Anniversary of the Scheie Eye Institute in 2022 and the 150th Anniversary of the Department of Ophthalmology in 2024, we spearheaded a virtual event series featuring educational presentations by physician-scientists from the Department of Ophthalmology and other experts. You can view the recordings from these virtual events by clicking the links below:

Dry Eye featuring Dr. Mina Massaro

Gene Therapies and the Scheie Eye Institute featuring Dr. Jean Bennett

The Evolution of Protective Eyewear featuring Dr. Ranjoo Prasad and Dirk Breiding

If you would like to receive information about future events, please contact Paige O'Malley at pomalley@upenn.edu.

Specific Funds

Gifts can be made to specific funds through the following links:

Gifts by Check

Gifts by check, made payable to the Scheie Eye Institute, can be mailed to:

Penn Medicine Development & Alumni Relations Attn: Lauren Buckheit 3535 Market Street, Suite 750 Philadelphia, PA 19104

To learn more, contact Lauren Buckheit at 267-678-6203 or buckheit@upenn.edu.

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