Learning Experience Length per Experience
Required Experiences
Orientation 6 weeks
Internal Medicine I 4 weeks
Medical Intensive Care Unit 4 weeks
Pharmacy Administration 4 weeks
Unit-Based Clinical Pharmacy 4 weeks
Critical Care Specialty (select 1):
Emergency Medicine or
Intensive Care Nursery
4 weeks
General Medicine (select 2):
Antimicrobial Stewardship
4 weeks
Elective Experiences (residents select two 4-week experiences)*
Ambulatory Care- GI 4 weeks
Ambulatory Care- Cardiology 4 weeks
Critical Care Specialty II 4 weeks
General Medicine III 4 weeks
Internal Medicine II 4 weeks
Surgical Intensive Care Unit 4 weeks
Longitudinal Learning Experience Length per Experience
Clinical Precepting Longitudinal x 13 – 26 weeks (4 hours per week) All residents will precept at minimum 1 IPPE student; teaching certificate participants are required to precept two students and can choose to schedule them across one or two semesters.
Committee Involvement Longitudinal x 52 weeks (0.5-1 hours per week) Residents will participate in P&T and Shared Governance Meetings
Continuing Education Presentation Longitudinal x 52 weeks (1-2 hours per week in addition to 3 dedicated project weeks in December)
Drug Information Longitudinal x 52 weeks (0.5-1 hours per week) Residents will complete two formal drug information responses per quarter
Drug Monograph/Formulary Class Review Longitudinal x 26 weeks (0.5-1 hours per week)
Drug Use Evaluation Longitudinal x 52 weeks (1.5-2 hours per week; 1 week meeting attendance and poster presentation at ASHP MCM and Vizient Consortium Pharmacy Network Meeting)
Error Reporting Longitudinal x 52 weeks (0.5-1 hours per week)
Pharmacy Newsletter Longitudinal x 17 weeks (0.5-1 hours per week) Residents will be responsible for writing and editing the department newsletter.
Research Project Longitudinal x 52 weeks (2-4 hours per week in addition to 3 dedicated project weeks in December and 3 days meeting attendance and platform presentation at Eastern States Preceptors and Residents Conference)
Staffing Longitudinal x 52 weeks (288 weekend + 240 weekday + 24 holiday hours per year; residents work every other weekend for the first 22 weekend days then transition to every fourth weekend. In addition, residents work 6 weeklong weekday blocks throughout the year, 1 major holiday and 2 minor holidays)
Therapeutics Conference Longitudinal x 52 weeks (1.5-2 hours per week) 5 presentations during alternating months
Elective Experiences
Teaching Certificate at Philadelphia College of Pharmacy Longitudinal x 52 weeks (includes 10 hours of didactic teaching certificate sessions, 15 hours (10 in class, 5 prep/grading) small group teaching sessions, 4-8 hours per month of feedback, reflections, portfolio development and meetings with preceptor)
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