The Perioperative Informatics Research Group (PIRG) studies questions of anesthetic practice patterns and operating room efficiency through the use of perioperative and anesthetic record data.

Headshot of Thomas T. Joseph, MD, PhDThomas T. Joseph, MD, PhD
Dr. Joseph's research on perioperative informatics uses anesthetic records and other perioperative data to inform the improvement of efficiency in the operating room. Tom also manages Penn's participation in the Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group, a multi-institutional collaboration.

Gurmukh Sahota headshotGurmukh Sahota, MD, PhD
Dr. Sahota's research interests are in computational biology, computational genomics, clinical informatics, and bioinformatics.

Head shot of Michael James ScottMichael J. Scott, MBChB, FRCP, FRCA, FFICM
Dr. Scott has an extensive background in perioperative surgical outcome quality improvement and implementation science. He is recognized as one of the key inventors of Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS), which has become a new standard of care for all surgical patients. His latest research in quality outcomes is on the long-term effects of acute kidney injury and reduction using goal directed hemodynamic algorithms. He is also involved in Telemedicine /ICU and the use of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning with physiological waveforms.

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