Meet the team of the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology.


  • Jorge A. Marrero, MD, MS
    Chief, Division of Gastroenterology
  • Nuzhat Ahmad, MD
    Vice Chief of Clinical Affairs
  • Ragunath Appasamy, MD
    Medical Director, Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine (PCAM)
  • James D. Lewis, MD, MSCE
    Medical Director, Penn Presbyterian Medical Center (PPMC)
    Vice Chief of Research
  • Frederick A. Nunes, MD
    Medical Director, Pennsylvania Hospital (PAH)
  • Robert Stein, MD
    Medical Director, Penn Medicine at Radnor (PMR)
  • Nabeel Khan, MD
    Director of GI, Philadelphia VA Medical Center
  • Octavia Pickett-Blaklely, MD, MHS
    Vice Chief for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
    Vice Chief of Faculty Development
  • Gary Lichtenstein, MD
    Vice Chief for Development and Philanthropy
  • Steven F. Solga, MD
    GI Fellowship Director
  • David Jaffe, MD
    Director, GI Education
  • Gary Wu, MD
    Vice Chief of Research

Endoscopy Leadership & Administration

  • Gregory G. Ginsberg, MD
    Executive Director, Endoscopic Services
  • Nuzhat A. Ahmad, MD
    Associate Medical Director of Endoscopy, HUP and PCAM
  • Robert Stein, MD
    Medical Director of Endoscopy, PMR
  • Frederick A. Nunes, MD
    Medical Director of Endoscopy, PAH
  • Kashyap V. Panganamamula, MD
    Director of Therapeutic Endoscopy, Penn Presbyterian Medical Center

Section Directors

  • Nuzhat Ahmad, MD and
    Shivan Mehta, MD, MBA, MSHP

    Co-Directors, GI Quality (QUIDS) 
  • Gary W. Falk, MD, MS
    Director, Esophagology and Swallowing and GI Physiology Center
  • Laurel Fisher, MD
    Director, Women in GI Committee
  • Gary R. Lichtenstein, MD
    Director, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) Center
  • James D. Lewis, MD, MSCE
    Associate Director, IBD Center
    Director, Gastroenterology/Hepatology Clinical Research Program
  • Kristle Lynch, MD
    Director, GI Clinical Physiology Lab
  • David E. Kaplan, MD, MSc, FACP, FAASLD, AGAF
    Director of Hepatology
    Chief, Section of Hepatology
  • Octavia Pickett-Blakely, MD, MHS
    Director of the GI Nutrition, Celiac Sprue and Obesity Program (NCOP)

Clinical Staff

  • Jordan Chud
    Director of Division Administration
    Division of GI and Hepatology
  • Kristi Delp
    Division Program Administrator
    Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
  • Bernadette Muccie
    Administrator, Practice Operations
    Pennsylvania Hospital & Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
  • Kerri Mcguckin
    Administrator, Practice Operations
    Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine
  • Christina Brancato
    Administrator, Practice Operations 
    Penn Medicine Radnor

Research Staff


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