The Division of Gastroenterology at the University of Pennsylvania is committed to the continuous improvement in the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract, pancreas and liver. Patients who participate in clinical research make such advances possible. The links below can be used to gather information about clinical trials that are currently recruiting participants.

Research in the Division covers a wide variety of clinical, translational, and basic topics in gastroenterology and hepatology. The laboratories and resources are state of the art; division researchers collaborate with other investigators across the School of Medicine and the University, and are supported by the NIDDK-sponsored Center for Molecular Studies in Digestive and Liver Diseases. Our ultimate goal is to move discoveries from the laboratory to improvements in patient care and quality of life.

In This Section

Clinical Trials

Take a look at the current gastroenterology clinical trials being performed at Penn.

Research Programs

Learn more about the Division of Gastroenterology's research programs.

CAFÉ Study

Welcome to the CTNNA1 Familial Expansion Study (CAFÉ). This online international research registry is looking for patients and their families who can help expand our knowledge of the CTNNA1 gene.

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