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Welcome to the CTNNA1 Familial Expansion Study (CAFÉ). This online international research registry is looking for patients and their families who can help expand our knowledge of the CTNNA1 gene. This study is being conducted through the Penn Medicine GI Cancer Genetics Program by investigators Bryson Katona MD, PhD and Dana Clark MD, LCGC.

If you are here, you have likely undergone genetic testing and were found to have a variant (change) in the CTNNA1 gene. The purpose of this study is to follow people with CTNNA1 variants so that researchers can more clearly understand the cancer risks associated with this newly identified gene, which will help us better understand how to manage cancer risk in families with this gene.

Why should I enroll?

  • Information about CTNNA1 is lacking which makes it challenging to care for patients with these variants
  • Creation of an international registry of CTNNA1 carriers for long-term data collection will help better define the cancer risks associated with CTNNA1 variants and will aid in managing cancer risks for affected families

Illustration of DNAAm I eligible?

  • If you are at least 18 years old and carry a specific CTNNA1 variant (called a loss-of-function variant) you may be eligible to participate in this research study
  • You will be contacted by the study team to obtain your genetic test results to determine if you are eligible

What do I need to do to be in the CAFÉ study?

  • You will be asked to provide information to the study team about your personal and family health histories, your contact information and your genetic test results
  • By providing your contact information, you can receive updates from researchers regarding CTNNA1 and the study team can contact you to obtain more information about you of your family in the future

For more information you can visit

If you are interested in enrolling in the study please provide your contact information here:

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You may also contact the study team at

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