Outpatient General Internal Medicine Continuity Practice
- Junior and Senior residents continue working in their assigned primary practice sites as a partner in the faculty/resident outpatient practices:
- Edward S. Cooper Internal Medicine
- Penn Internal Medicine University City
- Philadelphia VA Medical Center
- There are 3-4 dedicated sessions each week where interns build a panel of patients and see them for visits longitudinally.
- Residents build upon skills from intern year to develop more independence with seeing the patients on their panel.
- Each block has dedicated administrative sessions designed to learn key aspects of panel management and triage.
- Four sessions each block are designated for academic pursuit to allow for meeting with mentors and pursuit of other scholarly work.
- For 1-2 blocks of the year, upper year residents participate in a primary care immersion rotation, in which they assist with triage of acute concerns via telephone and secure portal messaging and provide cross-coverage for colleagues who are out of the office. During these rotations, residents may choose to have elective enrichment clinic experiences in:
- Addiction Medicine
- Women’s Health / LARC
- Refugee Clinic
- Pre-Operative Evaluation
- Diabetes Clinic (precepted by an endocrinologist embedded in primary care)
Outpatient Subspecialty Continuity Practice
Subspecialty clinic-reuniting outpatient with a patient cared for in the hospital
- Junior and Senior residents will select a subspecialty of their choice to serve as their subspecialty continuity clinic experience.
- Residents are paired with a faculty member of their choosing or matched based on interest and personality with a faculty member in the chosen subspecialty.
- Residents are expected to prepare charts, see patients independently, pend orders, and precept with their subspecialty preceptor.
- This clinic allows residents to have a truly immersive experience in a subspecialty to solidify career goals.
- This experience also allows residents to build a longitudinal relationship with a clinical mentor in their prospective field.
- Those who are interested in a career in general internal medicine may choose this experience to explore a subspecialty area -or- choose an outpatient internal medicine longitudinal experience such as addiction medicine, weight management, community medicine clinic, etc.
Outpatient Subspecialty Continuity Practice
- Residents have protected time for didactics Thursday mornings.
- Upper year residents have a curriculum that spans 2 years. Each block has an outpatient theme. This structure allows interns to focus their learning on specific, high-yield topics that are led by faculty experts in diverse areas of medicine. Teaching is case based:

- In addition, core curriculum content is delivered that is geared towards upper year residents:
- Team Leadership
- Educating Learners
- Evidence Based Medicine
- Academic and Personal Development
- Quality Improvement and Safety
- Communication