To train the next generation of physician-scientists and future leaders in biomedical research.
The Physician Scientist Pathway (PSP) at Penn:
- Two or three years of Internal Medicine residency
- Clinical fellowship
- Three years of mentored research
- Continuity Clinic
The Penn PSP offers:
- A peer group of physician-scientists at all levels of training
- Diverse and interactive research community
- Mentoring on career decisions and selection of research programs
- Integrated university campus with campus-wide research opportunities
- An outstanding track record of launching careers in academic medicine.
Penn PSP Residents and Fellows:
- 6 match positions each year
- 16 residents (6 PSP interns + 1 categorical intern, 6+2 junior residents, 1 senior resident)
- 21 fellows (Cardiology, Pulmonary, Heme-Onc, Endocrine, GI, ID)
Research Community

- One-on-one mentoring begins at orientation
- Mentoring committee beginning in fellowship
- Career development workshops tailored to physician-scientists
- Grant Proposal Success (GPS) – small group, intensive, grant writing workshop tailored for fellows writing K applications
- Resident-organized Research in Progress/Journal Club
- Near peer to peer mentoring on career development and fellowship application
Graduates of the PSP
- 30/33 are in research
- 30 Assistant or Associate Professors: at Penn, Duke, Brown, MGH/Harvard, UCSF/Berkeley, Weill-Cornell, Hopkins, Michigan, NYU, Wash U, UCLA, U. Florida, Pitt, Maryland, Cincinnati, Roswell Park Cancer Center/SUNYAB, and Drexel.
- 1 Director, Clinical Trials Development at pharmaceutical company
Prior to 2003
- 16/20 are faculty: Assistant, Associate, or Full Professors: Penn, UCSF, UCSD, Harvard/BWH, U. Washington, Tufts, Vanderbilt, Sloan Kettering, U. Colorado, UNC, UCLA, U. Maryland
- 1 Investigator in a research foundation performing basic research
- 1 Medical Officer (Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, FDA)
- 1 CEO (Loxo Oncology)
- 1 Director (Pharmion Corp)
PSP Application Information:
- NRMP # for PSP is: 1628140C1 (Internal Medicine/ABIM Research Pathway)
- There is no supplemental application for the Physician-Scientist Pathway
- PSP applicants may select both PSP (#1628140C1) and categorial programs (#1628140C0)
Individuals who are interested in any of these Physician Scientist Programs should mark the appropriate area of the application. Questions regarding the Physician Scientist Program or the William Osler Society of Fellows in Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania should be directed to:
Peter Klein, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine
Director, Physician-Scientist Pathway
Division of Hematology/Oncology
University of Pennsylvania Health System
9-103 Smilow Translational Research Center
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Email: pklein@pennmedicine.upenn.edu
Miriam Goodrum
PSP Coordinator
Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology/Oncology
University of Pennsylvania Health System
716 Biomedical Research Building II/III
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Email: mgoodrum@pennmedicine.upenn.edu