Larry Dougherty, PhD
Research Associate, Professor
Department of Radiology
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
School of Medicine
356 Stemmler Hall
36th & Hamilton Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: 215-349-5274

James J. Pilla, PhD
Research Assistant, Professor
Departments of Radiology and Surgery
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
School of Medicine
356 Stemmler Hall
36th & Hamilton Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: 215-614-0922

Chun Xu
Research Specialist
Departments of Radiology and Surgery
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
School of Medicine
356 Stemmler Hall
36th & Hamilton Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Anthony Fagnoli
Research Assistant
Department of Surgery
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
School of Medicine
356 Stemmler Hall
36th & Hamilton Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Gamaliel Isaac, PhD
Senior Programmer
Department of Radiology
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
School of Medicine
356 Stemmler Hall
36th & Hamilton Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104

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