The General Surgery, Anesthesia, Opthalmology, Orthopaedic, and Otorhinolargynglogy Junior Clerkships exist as an integrated 12-week clerkship to be known as the Allied Block. During this 12-week course, students will receive 8-weeks of Surgery exposure, including 4-weeks of General Surgery and 4 weeks of Surgical Specialty (2 weeks each), 1 week of Anesthesiology, 1 week of Ophthalmology, 1 week of Orthopaedic Surgery, and 1 week of Otorhinolaryngology.
The course is offered to students as part of their Module 4 curriculum. The clerkship will be a mix of both inpatient and outpatient experiences across the three disciplines with basic science reinforced on a regular basis. Satisfactory completion of this course is required for passage into the Module 5 (electives & selectives) curriculum. Ari D. Brooks, MD serves as Clerkship Director for Surgery. They will be working with: Jeremy Kukafka, MD, Clerkship Director for Anesthesia, Prithvi Sankar, MD, Clerkship Director of Ophthalmology, Joseph Bernstein, MD, Clerkship Directors of Orthopaedic Surgery, and Douglas Bigelow, MD Clerkship Director of Otolaryngology.
Contact Information
Contact the Program Administrator,
Zayyan Snell at
with questions or for additional information.