Message from
Niels D. Martin, MD - Program Director
Penn Trauma is one of the premier Trauma, Acute Care Surgery, and Surgical Critical Care training programs in the World. Our Urban, Level 1 trauma center provides cutting edge care for a diverse set of injury mechanisms, including a large cohort of penetrating trauma patients. Our Acute Care Surgery service is the largest surgical service within the institution, similarly caring for a very diverse and acutely ill and complex population. Finally, the busy Surgical Critical Care service provides exposure to the most critically ill patients from the broadest range of pathologies. In all these areas, education is paramount; this ensures our team is always at the top of its game, delivering top notch care, and also maximizing educational assimilation. Performance improvement processes, research, and leadership training round out our fellowship experience. We have several tracks including one-year Surgical Critical Care, two-year Acute Care Surgery, and a dedicated two-year Emergency Medicine/Surgical Critical Care track.
Niels D. Martin, MD
Program Director, Trauma and Surgical Critical Care Fellowship
Associate Professor of Surgery
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