Rohan Arora
Medical School: University College of Medical Sciences

About Dr. Shad

Shad went to the University College of Medical Sciences in New Delhi for medical school, following which he completed a 3-year postdoctoral research fellowship with Dr. William Hiesinger in the department of cardiothoracic surgery at Stanford University. His research interests are in the field of deep representation learning for cardiovascular imaging and cardiac surgery. His clinical interests include adult cardiac surgery and heart failure management. Rohan plans to pursue a career in academic cardiothoracic surgery and lead a computational research laboratory. 


National Societies:
American Heart Association (Member, CVSA 08/2019 - present) 

Local Societies:
Stanford Cardiovascular Institute

Awards / Honors


Finalist, American Heart Association
Vivien Thomas Early Career Award

ASME Award for the best Re-engineered/Multidisciplinary Collaboratively Designed Product
Novel Mechanical Heart Valve

Indian Council of Medical Research
Short Term Studentship Grant

Indian Council of Medical Research
Short Term Studentship Grant


Postdoctoral Fellowship Award, American Heart Association

Stanford University, eWEAR Seed Grant


Dr. Shad's research straddles the fields of computer science and cardiovascular disease. He is interested in building novel deep learning representation learners for cardiovascular imaging (echocardiography and cardiac MRI). In the lab he also studied the underlying mechanisms of cardiovascular disease using transcriptomics, and design devices for patients with severe heart failure. His work was funded by the American Heart Association postdoctoral fellowship award.


Original papers

  1. Pedroza A, Shad R, Dalal A, Yokoyama N, Nakamura K, Hiesinger W, and Fischbein M. Acute induced pressure overload rapidly incites thoracic aortic aneurysmal SMC phenotype. Hypertension; 79:e86–e89, 2022
  2. Pirozzi I, Kight A, Shad R, Han A.K, Dual S.A, Fong R, Jia A, Hiesinger W, Yock P, Cutkosky M. RVEX: Right Ventricular External Device for Biomimetic Support and Monitoring of the Right Heart. Advanced Materials Technologies; 2022
  3. Shad R, Cunningham J.P, Ashley E.A, Langlotz C.P, Hiesinger W. Designing clinically translatable artificial intelligence systems for high dimensional medical imaging. Nature Machine Intelligence; 3,929–935, 2021 (
  4. Shad R, Quach N, Fong R, Kasinpila P, Bowles C, Castro M, Guha A, Suarez E, Jovinge S, Lee S, Boeve T, Amsallem M, Tang X, Haddad F, Shudo Y, Y.J Woo, Teuteberg J, Cunningham J.P, Langlotz C.P, Hiesinger W. Predicting post-operative right ventricular failure using video-based deep learning. Nature Communications; 12, 5192, 2021 (
  5. Shad R, Kaiser A.D, Kong S, Fong R, Quach N, Bowles C, Kasinpila P, Shudo Y, Teuteberg J, Woo Y.J, Marsden A.L, Hiesinger W. Patient specific computational fluid dynamics reveal localized flow patterns predictive of post-LVAD aortic incompetence. Circulation Heart Failure; 2021 (
  6. Kaiser AD, Shad R, Hiesinger W, Marsden A. L. A Design-Based Model of the Aortic Valve for Fluid-Structure Interaction. Biomech Model Mechanobiol; 2021.
  7. Shad R, Kong S, Fong R, Quach N, Kasinpila P, Bowles C, Lee A, Hiesinger W. Computational fluid dynamics simulations to predict false lumen enlargement after surgical repair of Type-A aortic dissection. Seminars Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery; 2021
  8. Shad R, Fong R, Quach N, Bowles C, Kasinpila P, Li M.C, Callon K, Castro M, Guha A, Suarez E.E, Lee S, Jovinge S, Boeve T, Shudo Y, Langlotz C.P, Teuteberg J, Hiesinger W. Long-term survival in patients with post-LVAD right ventricular failure: multi-state modelling with competing outcomes of heart transplant. Journal of Heart & Lung Transplantation; 2021 (
  9. Shad R, Quach N, Fong R, Kasinpila P, Bowles C, Callon K.M, Li M.C, Teuteberg J, Cunningham J.P, Langlotz C.P, Hiesinger W. Simulating time to event prediction with spatiotemporal echocardiography deep learning. Preprint: arXiv 2021:
  10. Kaiser A.D, Shad R, Schiavone N, Hiesinger W, Marsden A.L. Controlled Comparison of Simulated Hemodynamics across Tricuspid and Bicuspid Aortic Valves. (2021)
  11. Abramson A, Chan C, Khan Y, Mermin-Bunnell A, Matsuhisa N, Fong R, Shad R, Hiesinger W, Mallick P, Gambhir S.S, Bao Z. A flexible electronic strain sensor for the real-time monitoring of tumor progression. Preprint: biorxiv 2021;
  12. Shad R, Hiesinger W. Evidence based management of infections on LVAD support – a pipe dream? JTCVS Open; 2021
  13. Pedroza AJ, Tashima Y, Shad R, Cheng P, Wirka R, Churovich S, Nakamura K, Yokoyama N, Cui J, Iosef C, Hiesinger W, Quertermous T, Fischbein M. Single Cell Transcriptomic Profiling of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Phenotype Modulation in Marfan Syndrome Aortic Aneurysm. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis & Vascular Biology. 2020
  14. Kasinpila P, Kong S, Fong R, Shad R, Kaiser AD, Marsden AL, Woo YJ, Hiesinger W. Use of Patient-Specific Computational Models for Optimization of Aortic Insufficiency after Implantation of Left Ventricular Assist Device. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery; 2020
  15. Mathur M, Saxena A, Shad R, Chattoraj A. Computational Evaluation of the Haemodynamic Performance of a Novel Prosthetic Heart Valve. ASME IDTEC 2017; 10th Frontiers in Biomedical Devices: V003T13A008. doi:10.1115/DETC2017-67773.
  16. Saxena A, Shad R, Chattoraj A, Shad S Evaluation of paravalvular leakage in a novel mechanical heart valve. ASME IDTEC 2017; 10th Frontiers in Biomedical Devices: V003T13A007. doi:10.1115/DETC2017-67729.
  17. Burnout and Sleep Quality: A Cross-Sectional Questionnaire-Based Study of Medical and Non-Medical Students in India: Cureus (10): e361; 2015; doi:10.7759/cureus.361


(List only work not yet published)
  1. Dalal A.R, Pedroza A.J, Yokoyama N, Nakamura K, Shad R, Fischbein M.P Extracellular Matrix Signaling in Marfan Syndrome Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Derived Smooth Muscle Cells. Accepted; AHA 2021
  2. Pedroza A.J, Dalal A.R, Shad R, Yokoyama N, Nakamura K, Fischbein M.P Smooth Muscle Cell Embryologic Origin Does Not Define Propensity for Phenotype Modulation in Murine Marfan Syndrome Aortic Root Aneurysm. Accepted; AHA 2021
  3. Pirozzi I, Kight A, Michael A.E, Shad R, Zhu Y, Waldman L.K, Hiesinger W, Cutkosky M. Cardiac support for the right ventricle: effects of timing on hemodynamics-biomechanics tradeoff. FIMH 2021
  4. Kidambi S, Moye S, Jahadi O, Shad R, Paul S, Shiu A, Ma M. A Model to Evaluate Effect of Patient-Pump Mismatch on Thrombosis in a Pediatric Pulsatile Ventricular Assist Device. Accepted ISHLT 2021; JHLT Abstract Supplement
  5. Bowles C, Shad R, Fong R, Quach N, Kasinpila P, Lingala B, Zhu Y, MacArthur JW, Shudo Y, Hiesinger W. Racial Disparities in Advanced Heart Failure Therapies: Are Outcomes the Correct Metric? ISHLT; JHLT Abstract Supplement
  6. Pedroza A.J, Dalal A.R, Yokoyama N, Nakamura K, Shad R, Fischbein M.P Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein 2 is a Novel Marker of Early Smooth Muscle Cell Phenotype Modulation in Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm. Accepted; AHA 2021
  7. Bowles C, Shad R, Fong R, Kasinpila P, MacArthur J.W, Shudo Y, Hiesinger W. Racial Disparities in Access to Advanced Heart Failure Therapies. Submitted; STS 2021.
  8. Shad R, Kong S, Fong R, Quach N, Kasinpila P, Lee A, Kaiser AD, Marsden AL, Woo YJ, Hiesinger W. The Use Of Patient Specific Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations To Study Predisposing Factors For False Lumen Enlargement In Type-A Dissection Repairs. Accepted AATS 2020 Oral Presentation; Cancelled for COVID-19
  9. S.P. Guenther, R. Fong, N. Abovwe, R. Shad, J.W. MacArthur, J. Teuteberg, Y. Woo, Y. Shudo and W. Hiesinger A Decade of Single Center HeartWare HVAD Experience. JHLT 2020; Abstract Supplement
  10. Shad R, Pedroza A.J, Quach N, Fong R, Kong S, Kasinpila P, Callon K.M, Howland J, Fischbein M, Hiesinger W. Administration of Intramyocardial Chemokine Induce Myocardial Recovery By Modulating The Acute Inflammatory Response To Ischemia. Accepted AHA 2020; Circulation_suppl
  11. Kasinpila P, Shad R, Duong V, Fong R, Quach N, Kong S, Perez C, Huang P, Hiesinger W. Computational Protein Modeling to Engineer a C-X-C Chemokine Receptor Type 4 (CXCR-4) Agonist to Prevent Ischemic Heart Failure. Accepted AHA 2019; Circulation suppl.)


  1. Shad R, Shad S Suturing Ring for Prosthetic Heart Valves: USA (app no.)15151439; India (app no.) 201611002178. 
  2. Shad R, Hiesinger W, Quach N. RV Failure ML Patent: End-to-end machine learning pipeline for predicting post-operative right ventricular failure using echocardiograms. US Provisional: 63/018,270.

Editorials, Reviews, Chapters

  1. Shad R, Hiesinger W. Commentary: Evidence-based management of infections on patients requiring left ventricular assist device support—a pipe dream? JTCVS Open; 2021
  2. Shad R, Hiesinger W. Bespoke Tricuspid Tailoring - Bringing patient specific valve repair to the forgotten valve. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Techniques; 2021 10.1016/j.xjtc.2021.07.010.
  3. Mahajan H, Shad R. MDCT-based lung volumetry as a prognostic tool—miles to go before we sleep. Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 33:195–196. 2017 doi:10.1007/s12055-017-0556-4
  4. Shad R, Sharma N. Graduate medical research in India: where are we today? Education for Health; 30-2; 2017 doi:10.4103/efh.EfH_60_16; 2017
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