Ultrasound students at stationThe Division of Ultrasound has been involved in undergraduate training for over 10 years. Our commitment to education at this level stems from a belief that ultrasound is in the process of becoming a standard component of practice in all the clinical specialties. Because the skill-sets involved in obtaining and interpreting images in the flow of patient care are so different from those of traditional imaging specialists, we feel that Emergency Medicine is uniquely positioned to provide education for the next generation of physicians for whom ultrasound will be as integral a part of practice as plain radiographs, electrocardiograms, and laboratory testing was for previous generations of physicians.

Ultrasound instructionProgressive medical student training in ultrasonography is provided by the division at each level of medical school training. In the preclinical years, lectures and hands-on sessions are given as a part of the Introduction to Clinical Medicine course, and workshops on ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous access are given in the Simulation Center as a part of the Procedural Boot-Camp course. During the EM 200 emergency medicine rotation, students get an hour of large group and two hours of small group training which includes a one-hour dedicated proctored hands-on training session. In the EM 308 rotation (subinternship), rotators get a dedicated shift shadowing the emergency ultrasound resident rotator. Finally, for senior medical students, the EM 333 elective is available. This is a four-week rotation in which students get the same ultrasound educational experience as that of residents in our EM residency program.

Learn more about Ultrasound Residency Education

Learn more about Ultrasound Fellowships and International Training Programs

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