Our mission is to foster a culture of health and well-being by providing the resources to help faculty and staff thrive personally and professionally, enabling them to provide the highest quality of care to patients.

headshot of Pamela J. Levin, MD

Pamela J. Levin, MD
Director of Wellness
Medical Director, Washington Square GYN Multispecialty Practice
Fellowship Director, Division of Urogynecology
Associate Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology

Welcome from the Director of Wellness for the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Wellbeing looks different for everyone, but it cannot be achieved without feeling valued.   In the same way, team wellbeing cannot be realized unless the whole team feels seen and appreciated.   We are a team.

We bring unique and valid skills, experience, and talents to our team every day.  We are all deserving of joy and fulfilment in our work, and we are working to create a framework built for workplace wellbeing centered on the worker's voice and equity.   It is my hope our focus on wellbeing and commitment to a culture of wellness and connectivity will infuse the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and become an integral part of our culture.

In our ongoing commitment to your health and happiness, we continue to roll out new and exciting wellness initiatives designed to support you in both your personal and professional life.  From offering team-building activities to fostering a culture of inclusivity, we aim to create a workplace that prioritizes your overall wellbeing.

Stay tuned for more details and get ready to embrace a workplace culture that prioritizes your wellbeing. We're enthusiastic about this journey, and I look forward to building a culture of wellness together.

Strategies Implemented to Foster Social Connection in the Workplace

Encourage Team-Building Activities by organizing regular team-building events such as retreats, informal gatherings to help employees bond and fosters a sense of camaraderie.

Promote Mental Wellbeing by creating a supportive social network to act as a buffer against the adverse effects of work-related stress.

Increase Job Satisfaction & Advancement so employees feel more engaged, motivated, and committed to their work.

Create Collaborative Environments by encouraging interaction and collaboration among employees.

Promote Work-Life Balance by encouraging employees to maintain a health work-life balance by offering remote work options, flexible working hours, and access to so resources that support mental and physical well-being.

Foster a Culture of Inclusivity by encouraging open communication, celebrating diversity, and ensuring that all employees feel valued and included.




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