View updated news and announcements from the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine.
Congratulations Dr. Fermin Garcia for being an AL DIA Top Doctor of 2021
This honor is well deserved and speaks to your leadership and passionate dedication to our patients. Congratulations again, Dr. Garcia.
Neel Chokshi, MD had a Q&A with the Philadelphia Inquirer
Neel Chokshi, MD commented in the Philadelphia Inquirer article on early data that suggests excessive exercise may have led to heart-related conditions. However, he emphasized that, in almost all scenarios, the benefits of exercise outweigh the risks of training.
Jennifer Lewey, MD, and Lisa D. Levine, MD, joined TODAY to discuss pregnancy and heart disease.
Drs. Lewey and Levine spoke on TODAY about Penn's new CardioObstetrics clinic. The clinic, which involves a collaboration between cardiologists and maternal fetal medicine specialists, specializes in treating women whose heart health may cause their pregnancy to be considered high risk.
Dr. Marietta Ambrose Featured in a Pennsylvania Chapter of the American College of Cardiology.
Marietta Ambrose, MD, MPH, FACC beautifully shares the importance of embracing diversity in the medical community. Please take a moment to read the article Embrace Diversity in Our Profession about the power diversity within the medical community can have on our patients lives. Thank you Dr. Ambrose for sharing this story and showcasing how diversity can enhance a patient's medical care.
Congratulations to Dr. Marielle Scherrer-Crosbie on the Publication of Your Research in JACC: CardioOncology.
Patients with Acute Leukemia Who Are Treated with Common Therapy Have Increased Risk for Heart Failure. To help identify a patient's risk for heart failure following treatment, Penn led researchers developed a risk score based on clinical and echographic variables. "While we are more effective at treating cancer, the improved survival rates have helped to unmask the cardiotoxic impact of some of the most common cancer therapies," said the study's corresponding author Marielle Scherrer-Crosbie, MD, PhD
Congratulations to Dr. Kiran Musunuru on the Publication of Your New Book.

The CRISPR Generation The Story of the World's First Gene-Editing Babies explains how a series of scientific breakthroughs led to the medical scandal of the decade.
In November 2018, Dr. He Jiankui of Shenzhen, China, announced via YouTube that he had created the world's first gene-edited babies. It soon became clear that this was not a historic scientific achievement, but rather a historic ethical fiasco, a deeply flawed experiment on unborn human beings. What made it possible for a rogue scientist with no medical training to covertly and recklessly alter the genes of babies? What does the future hold now that the first members of the CRISPR generation have been born?
Congratulations to the Winners at the Northwestern Cardiovascular Young Investigators Forum
Payman Zamani, MD, MTR was the Junior Faculty (Clinical) winner of the Jeremiah Stamler Award for "Impaired Skeletal Muscle Oxidative Capacity in HFpEF"
Marie Guerraty, MD, PhD was the Junior Faculty (Basic Science) 1st Place winner for"Friend of GATA 2 (FOG2/ZFPM2) is associated with Coronary Microvascular Disease and Mediates Hypoxia-Inducible Factor (HIF) Angiogenic Gene Expression"
Eliot Graham Peyster, MD, MSc was the 2nd Place winner for Fellows (Basic Science)"In-situ Immune Profiling of Heart Transplant Biopsies to Improve Diagnostic Accuracy and Rejection Risk Stratification"
Congratulations Drs. Sameed Khatana, Ashwin Nathan, Jay Giri and Peter Groeneveld on an Amazing New Study
This new study founds counties in states that expanded Medicaid coverage under the Affordable Care Act had lower rates of death from heart disease in the ensuing years than areas that did not expand Medicaid. Congratulations Sameed Khatana, MD., Ashwin Nathan, MD., Jay Giri, MD. and Peter Groeneveled, MDon the study and the fantastic buzz it is getting. You can read about this study at any of the following places, Forbes, U.S. News & World Report, Philadelphia Inquirer, Reuters, Medscape, Fierce Health, Philly Voice, Science News, AJMC, MD Magazine.
Penn's Cardiovascular Medicine Division now on Twitter
Our division is now connecting with the world wide community with a passion for Cardiology through Twitter. Please take the time to visit our page and follow us. @PennCardiology.
Congratulations to Dr. Helene Glassberg for being Philadelphia American Heart Association's 2019 Woman of Cardiology
Helen Glassberg, MD commitment to preventing and treating heart disease in women is inspirational. Join us in congratulating Dr. Glassberg on her well deserved success.
Congratulations to Dr. Sameed Khatana for being the recipient of this year's 2019 AHA QCOR Early Career Investigators Award
The AHA QCOR Early Career Investigators Award supports and recognizes the scientific contributions of its early career investigator members. This award recognizes their scientific contributions and potential in the field of cardiovascular outcomes research. Dr. Ashwin Nathan was also a finalist for this amazing award. Please join us in congratulating them on the well deserved recognition of their hard work.
Congratulations to Dr. Sameed Khatana and his Medicaid expansion and the effect on cardiovascular outcome
Medscape and FierceHealthcare continue coverage of a new study led by Dr. Khatana, a Cardiovascular Disease fellow, which found that counties in states that expanded Medicaid coverage under the Affordable Care Act had fewer deaths annually from heart disease compared to areas that did not expand Medicaid. Please take the time to read theCNN article with Dr. Khatana's explanation of the importance of studying healthcare policies and how the Medicaid expansion has effected cardiovascular health.
Congratulations to Dr. Sameed Khatana and Dr. Ashwin Nathan's work on Public Reporting was published
Please take the time to read the recently published work of Drs. Khatana and Nathan regarding the "Association Between 30-Day Mortality After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention and Education and Certification Variables for New York State Interventional Cardiologists."
Congratulations to Dr. Rhondalyn McLean and the USHER Research Team
Rhondalyn C. McLean, MD, MHS and her team are systematically studying the safety of implanting donor hearts from donors that were Hepatitis C positive. This would increase viable organs for transplant by 10 percent. After transplantation, the transplant recipient is then given a 12-week regimen of elbasvir/grazoprevir (Zepatier). Which is showing to be wiping out the virus once it's contracted. This amazing study is showing that all nine patients who survived were cured of Hepatitis C thanks to the antiviral therapy. Congratulations to Dr. McLean and the researching team of USHER and read more about their amazing work in Cardiovascular Business and WHYY.
Women in Cardiology Winter Issue
The focus of Penn Women in Cardiology is to advance opportunities for female cardiologists through professional skill development, leadership, mentoring and advocacy. In the winter issue, it talks about upcoming WIC events, research regarding the gender differences in career development, WIC members accomplishments and a WIC leadership profile on Marietta Ambrose, MD, MPH, FACC.
Congratulations to Dr. Bonnie Ky
Bonnie Ky, MD, MSCE has been named editor-in-chief of a new journal. The American College of Cardiology announced JACC: CardioOncology with Dr. Ky as their inaugural editor-in-chief. Please read Dr. Ky's vision and join us in congratulating Dr. Ky on her well deserved success.
American Heart Association Check Presentation
The American Heart Association presented a check to fund our cardiovascular researchers, whose work is vital to the future of heart and brain vascular health. The presentation of the check celebrates the research that has been conducted at The University of Pennsylvania. Thank you all for coming and for the amazing work that has made moments like these possible.
What Genetics Could Mean for Your Heart Disease Risk
Kiran Musunuru, MD, PhD, MPH and Anjali Tiku Owens, MD wrote an op-eh for the Philadelphia Inquirer examining the connection between genetics and the risk for heart disease. This op-ed also explains how healthy life style choices could negate the effects of having the genetic predisposition for heart disease.
Women Need to Pay Attention to Heart Health
Jennifer Lewey, MD, Monika Sanghavi, MD, and Marietta Ambrose, MD, MPH, FACC, wrote an op-ed for the Philadelphia Inquirer urging women to pat attention to heart health. Heart disease is once again the number one cause of death of women in 2019. This article explores the importance of women needing to listen to what their bodies are telling them.
The American Heart Association (AHA) and Penn Medicine Community Outreach
The American Heart Association (AHA) and Penn Medicine partnered together to host an event at Victory Christian Center. This event taught free CPR training and education on how to live a heart healthy life through diet and exercise. The AHA and Penn clinicians, led by Paul Mather, MD, provided access to free blood pressure screenings and preventative resources to undeserved Philadelphians.
Cardiac Screening and Heart Health Workshop for Fire Fighters
Cardiac arrest is the number one cause of death among on-duty firefighters and with that in mind, a Penn Medicine team lead by Jana Goldberg, MD and partnered with the nonprofit group The First Twenty held a heart health workshop and cardiac screening for firefighters. They provided free cardiac screenings that included a blood pressure test, EKG and body composition test to help firefighters be knowledgeable about their risks and how to live a heart healthy life.
Mitigate Risks for Heart Disease by Moving.
Neel Chokshi, MD, MBA, Douglas Jacoby, MD and Christopher Kusmiesz, MS argued in an op'ed for the Philadelphia Inquirer that the most effective way to mitigate the risk for heart disease, other then smoking, was to exercise. Read and see the quick tips for creating a better heart healthy life.
Stereotypes Impact Heart Care
Helene Glassberg, MD speaks to Philadelphia Magazine about how witnessing the lack of awareness around women's heart disease is what lead her to a career in Cardiology. Dr. Glassberg explains the importance of individualized lifestyle plans that make a healthy life a realizable goal.
Congratulations to Dr. Zoltan Pierre Arany
Zoltan Pierre Arany, MD, PhD has received Fellowship status with the International Society for Heart Research (ISHR). ISHR uses Fellowship status as a means of recognizing those members who have distinguished themselves with outstanding contributions to cardiovascular research. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Arany, only a small fraction of the ISHR membership of thousands is selected for this honor.
Congratulations to Dr. Kiran Musunuru
Kiran Musunuru, MD, PhD, MPH received the American Philosophical Society's 2018 Judson Daland Prize for Achievement in Patient-oriented Clinical Research. He received a certificate and $50,000 at the Society's General Meeting on November 9th, 2018. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Musunuru on this rare and unique honor.
Congratulations to Dr. Helene Glassberg
Helene Glassberg, MD was quoted in a HealthDay News explaining the results of both the Vitamin D and Omega-3 Trial (VITAL) and the Reduction of Cardiovascular Events with Icosapent Ethyl Intervention Trial (REDUCE-IT), which were presented this weekend. These studies showed that the omega 3 fatty acids found in fish can be beneficial for heart health.
Congratulations to Dr. Sanjay Dixit
Sanjay Dixit, MD has received the Gold Review Recognition Award. This prestigious honor was awarded by Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology because of his high quality and timely reviews of submitted manuscripts. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Dixit on being the recipient of this honor.
Congratulations to Dr. Andrew Litwack
Andrew Litwack, MD has been selected as a winner of the CPUP Provider of the Year award. This honor was awarded because of his contributions, commitment to excellence and ongoing patient focus is representative of an all-around fantastic CPUP Provider. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Litwack for having his clinical excellence and innovation in cardiovascular practice be recognized at such a high level.
Dr. Kiran Musunuru Briefing Senate Committee
Kiran Musunuru, MD, PhD, MPH as a representative of the American Society of Human Genetics briefed staff members of the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions about genomic medicine and gene editing. Please join us in thanking Dr. Musunuru for his part in explaining to the Senate Committee his support and the importance of genomic medicine.
Congratulations to Dr. Howard Herrmann
Howard C. Herrmann, MD has been quoted in a few stories about a study he presented at TCT 2018. This Study was also published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. The study that has been quoted states researchers found that among patients who underwent a transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), a high number experienced severe and moderate cases of prosthesis-patient mismatch. This means the implanted heart valve is too small for the patient, which can lead to inadequate blood flow.
Congratulations to Dr. Nosheen Reza on the inaugural edition of the Women in Cardiology Newsletter
Women in Cardiology (WIC) is a group that was founded by Nosheen Reza, MD last year. This group has created time to for women in cardiology to meet and connect with each other producing opportunities to share and generate ideas. View the first edition of the quarterly newsletter. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Reza in the inaugural edition of the Penn WIC Newsletter as well as the success of the Penn WIC group.
Congratulations to Dr. Jennifer Lewey on being the 2018 BIRCWH grant recipient
The BIRCWH (Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women's Health) program is dedicated to connecting junior and senior faculty with a shared interest in women's health and sex-differences research. Please join us in congratulating Jennifer Lewey, MD on her well deserved success.
Congratulations to Dr. Bonnie Ky on being elected to The American Society of Clinical Investigation
The ASCI is dedicated to the advancement of research that extends the understanding and improves treatment of human diseases. The members of The American Society of Clinical Investigation (ASCI) are committed to mentoring future generations of physician-scientists. Please join us in congratulating Bonnie Ky, MD, MSCE on her well deserved success.
Congratulations to Dr. Frank Marchlinski on being asked to be the Mark E. Josephson Keynote Lecture for the European Cardiology Arrhythmia Society
The mission of the European Cardiology Arrhythmia Society is to promote excellence in the car of patients by improving education of physicians and professionals working with arrhythmia patients as well as provide information about rhythm disturbances to the general public. Please join us in congratulating Frank Marchlinski, MD on his well deserved success.
Join us on September 8th for the 26th Annual State of the Art Arrhythmia Symposium and Leonard N. Horowitz, MD Memorial Lecture
Join course director Frank Marchlinski, MD, distinguished guest faculty including Kalyanam Shivkumar, MD, and Christopher Piorkowski, MD along with expert faculty from the EP program at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and its affiliated hospitals. The program is designed to provide electrophysiologists, cardiologists, internists and associated professionals with state of the art lectures on the diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of the entire spectrum of cardiac rhythm disorders. Case presentations and expert panel discussions with active audience participation highlight the sessions.
New Research Page Live
The New Penn Center for Quantitative Echocardiology showcases the faculty, staff and facility that is dedicated to Quantitative Echocardiology.
Congratulations to Dr. Rajan Jain on the following achievement
Rajan Jain, MD won the Gilead Science Research Scholars Program Award. The mission of the Gilead Sciences Research Scholars Program in Cardiovascular Disease is to support innovative scientific research that will advance knowledge in the field of cardiovascular disease. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Jain on his well deserved success.
Congratulations to Dr. Jonathan Gomberg on the following achievements
Jonathan Gomberg, MD, FACC has been named 'Top Doc' in both Philadelphia Magazine and Castle Connolly. 'Top Docs' is a list of the regions best physicians. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Gomberg for his well deserved success.
Congratulations to Dr. Julio Chirinos on the following achievements
Julio Alonso Chirinos, MD, PHD has been named Associated Editor of Circulation Heart Failure, an American Heart Association Journal and one of the leading Journals in the field of Heart Failure. He has also been named Vice President Elect of the North American Artery Society which is dedicated to the encouragement, support and understanding of vascular structure and function and its application to clinical medicine, research, and pharmaceutical and medical device development. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Chirinos for all of his well deserved success!
Congratulations to Dr. Stephen Kimmel on the following achievement
Stephen E. Kimmel, MD, MSCE has been elected to the American Epidemiological Society this year. This is an election for senior epidemiologists base on their lifelong accomplishments and contributions to the field. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Kimmel for his election and his well deserved success!
Congratulations to Dr. Kiran Musunuru on the following achievements
Kiran Musunuru, MD, PhD, MPH has achieved the following awards and appointments this year. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Circulation:Genomic and Precision Medicine. He has been awarded the Functional Genomics and Epidemiology Mid-Career Research Award and Lecture by the American Heart Association. The Gill Heart Institute of the University of Kentucky has awarded him the Gill Heart Institute Translational Award. He has also been awarded the Judson Daland Price for Outstanding Achievement in Clinical Investigation by the American Philosophical Society. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Musunuru for all of his well deserved success!
Congratulations to Drs. Neel Chokshi and Sri Adusumalli on their publication in the Journal of the American Heart Association on the Active Reward Randomized Trail
Neel Chokshi, MD, MBA and Srinath Adusumalli, MD, MSc, FACC, along with collaborator Mitesh Patel, MD, MBA, recently conducted and published a randomized controlled trial of loss-framed financial incentives and personalized goal setting with wearable fitness trackers in the Journal of the American Heart Association. They found that loss-framed financial incentives and personalized goal setting using wearable devices significantly increased physical activity in patients with ischemic heart disease, an effect that persisted even when the financial incentives were removed.
Congratulations to our Graduating Fellows
We look forward to seeing your continued advancement and contributions to medicine in the future. Congratulations to you all for an amazing year!
Congratulations to Drs. John Hirshfeld and Vic Ferrari
John W. Hirshfeld, Jr., MD and Victor A. Ferrari, MD participated in the authorship of the ACC Expert Consensus Document on Optimal Use of Ionizing Radiation in Cardiovascular Imaging - Best Practices for Safety and Effectiveness, Radiological Equipment Operation, Dose-Sparing Methodologies, Patient and Medical Personnel Protection. The purpose of this document is to provide a source of comprehensive information about ionizing radiation use in cardiovascular procedures.
Congratulations to Drs. Pasquale Santangeli and David Callans for performing the nation's first and second cardiac ablation with mapping system
In March, a Penn patient became the first in the United States to undergo a cardiac ablation with an intraoperative imaging and mapping system that was recently cleared by the FDA. The first ever procedure was done by Pasquale Santangeli, MD, PhD with David J. Callans, MD preforming the second procedure just days later. Congratulations on your amazing work during this exciting time.
Congratulations to Drs. Daniel Kolansky and Paul Fiorilli for their quote and accompanying editorial in Cardiology Today's Intervention article
Cardiology Today's Intervention highlights a results from a recent study that found that patients who experience a STEMI, in states with laws that allow EMS to bypass hospitals that do not perform percutaneous coronary intervention were treated faster than those in states without such laws. The article, Statewide STEMI destination policies confer faster treatment times, quotes an accompanying editorial written by Daniel M. Kolansky, MD and Paul N. Fiorilli, MD.
Congratulations to Drs. Katherine Kunkel and Ester Pack in their new roles as CVD Chief Fellows for the 2018-2019 academic year
The role of chief fellow is extremely important to the development and refinement of our educational curriculum, leading many new initiatives, managing complex scheduling, providing a direct link to the education office, and most importantly providing vital peer mentoring to junior fellows. Please join me in congratulating them in their new role.
Congratulations to Drs. Sara Partington, Dipika Gopal and Neha Quatromoni the recipients of 2017's Vince and Bonnie Anderson award
The Vince and Bonnie Anderson award is awarded to exceptional teachers. Join me in congratulating our three recipients for their contributions of excellent teaching in cardiovascular pathophysiology to 2nd year medical students.
Congratulations to the presenters, researchers, and attendees of The International Society for Heart and Lung Transplant (ISHLT) Conference
We had over 20 presentations made by Penn's Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery faculty, fellows, and advance practitioners during the ISHLT Conference. The ISHLT is an important not-for-profit, multidisciplinary, professional organization that is dedicated to improving patient's care with advanced heart or lung disease by transplantation, mechanical support and innovative therapies through research, education and advocacy. Congratulations, we are proud of all your contributions.
Congratulations Dr. Paco E. Bravo appointed as Director of Nuclear Cardiology
We are delighted to announce that Paco E. Bravo, MD has been named Director of Nuclear Cardiology in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Medicine, and in the Division of Nuclear Medicine and Clinical Molecular Imaging, Department of Radiology effective immediately. In his new role Dr. Bravo will lead Penn's clinical, teaching and research programs in nuclear cardiology and cardiovascular molecular imagine. Please join me in congratulating Dr. Bravo in his new role and leadership position.
Congratulations Dr. Jennifer Lewey appointed as Director of the Penn Women's Cardiovascular Center
To support cardiovascular conditions impacting women, we are pleased to announce that Jennifer Lewey, MD has been appointed as director of the Penn Women's Cardiovascular Center, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine. She will also serve as co-Director of the Pregnancy and Heart Disease Program, a collaboration between the Divisions of Maternal Fetal Medicine and Cardiovascular Medicine. In her new role, Dr. Lewey will work with Marietta Ambrose, MD, MPH, FACC and Monika Sanghavi, MD to expand upon the clinical care offered for women in Consultative Cardiology. They will work collaboratively with faculty from Obstetrics and Gynecology and throughout the Cardiovascular Division more broadly to grow clinical services, educational outreach, and research opportunities related to heart disease in women. Please join me in congratulating Dr. Lewey in her new role and in her leadership of this important program.
Congratulations Dr. Esther Pak on receiving the Professionalism Award for Housestaff!
We are very proud to announce that on February 9, 2018, Dr. Esther Pak won the Professionalism Award for Housestaff. This award acknowledges exceptional commitment to collaborative efforts across disciplines and teams. Congratulations to Dr. Pak!
Cardiac Electrophysiology Translational Center of Excellence Established
We are delighted to announce the creation of Penn Medicine's Electrophysiology Translational Center of Excellence (EP-TCE). This new venture will harness our faculty's nationally renowned electrophysiology expertise and provide new resources and pathways to tackle the cardiac arrhythmias that remain the leading cause of sudden cardiac death across the nation.
Cardiac Catheterization Initiates Clinical Pharmacogenetic testing for Plavix Resistance
The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania will offer providers pharmacogenetic testing for clopidogrel (Plavix®) resistancein patients undergoing cardiac catheterization starting on January 30, 2018.
Go Red! For Women
On February 2, 2018 from 9 am to 2 pm, two tables will be set up in the atrium of Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine. This is to raise funds and bring awareness to cardiovascular disease. There will be baskets raffled off, free blood pressure screenings, informative packets for patients and employees, heart healthy snacks, and more! Visit the tables and help us do our part for AHA's Go Red! For Women Campaign.
2017 Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation Award for Distinguished Teaching
Frank E. Silvestry, MD, Associate Chief for Education in the Cardiovascular Division, has received the 2017 Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation Award for Distinguished Teaching. The Lindback Award is the University's highest teaching award. Each year a handful of exceptional faculty are nominated and selected from all Penn schools, and the awardees are ultimately selected by the Provost's office. Needless to say, this is an enormous honor for Frank, the Division, and the Department. As delighted as we all are, his selection is not at all surprising. Simply stated, Frank is one of most gifted medical educators we have encountered. He has already received every award in medical education the division, department, and the school have to offer, and it is only fitting for him to receive University-wide recognition. Learn more about the Lindback Awards
Philadelphia Magazine's Top Docs™
Cardiac Electrophysiology:
Cardiovascular Disease:
- Susan C. Brozena, MD
- Joseph R. Carver, MD
- Lee R. Goldberg, MD, MPH
- Paul J. Mather, MD
- William H. Matthai, Jr., MD
- Frank E. Silvestry, MD
- Harvey L. Waxman, MD
- Ross R. Zimmer, MD
Interventional Cardiology:
Magazine's list of Top Docs™PhiladelphiaLearn more about