Our overall mission is to train leaders in academic cardiovascular medicine for the twenty-first century and prepare our fellows to become nationally recognized as leaders and innovators who will play a prominent and important role in the health care delivery systems of the future and become role models for future generations of physicians. We strive to mentor fellows in developing a fellowship and career path that is tailored to the unique goals of our fellows.

Our fellowship requires a minimum three years of general CVM fellowship training (ACGME) which includes a two-year clinical core curriculum (based on COCATS guidelines). It can also include one to three years of subspecialty/research training tailored to the needs of individual fellow. The total length of training varies from three to six years depending on research and subspecialty training. We have an unparalleled number of training grants to support training across the full spectrum of basic, translational, clinical, and health services research.

Penn’s extremely competitive cardiovascular fellowship program, a leader in training heart specialists of tomorrow for more than 30 years, attracts more than 950 applicants for ten fellowship positions annually. Our program is committed to diversity and inclusion of individuals who are under-represented in medicine, and we will continue strive to train a representative generation of cardiologists to lead our field.

Under-represented in Medicine (URM) refers to individuals from a background that is traditionally underrepresented in medicine, including but not limited to racial and ethnic populations that are underrepresented in the medical profession relative to their numbers in the general population and those from disadvantaged backgrounds, identify as LGBTQ+, have disabilities, are first generation in the United States or first in their immediate family to attend college, or who otherwise would increase the diversity and inclusivity of our student and resident/fellow populations.

Penn Medicine is an equal opportunity employer and adheres to a policy that prohibits discrimination on the basis of ancestry, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin, citizenship status, age, disability, veteran status, or any other legally protected class.

  • Rotations

    Our fellowship training program has a well-developed range of rotations to ensure each trainee receives a complete cardiovascular disease education in a variety of practice environments.

  • Ambulatory Experience

    Throughout their fellowship training, our fellows participate in at least two continuity ambulatory clinics where they are the primary clinicians caring for patients with a variety of cardiovascular diseases.

  • Research

    Our fellows have access to the unparalleled resources of Penn Medicine and the University of Pennsylvania community in carrying out their research endeavors across the basic, translational, clinical, outcomes, and health systems/quality improvement science domains.

  • Curriculum and Virtual Education

    Our fellowship program prides itself in deliberately crafting a structured educational experience for our fellows.

  • Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity

    Our fellowship training program and Penn Medicine at large is committed to fostering a rich, vibrant, diverse, and inclusive environment for clinical care, education, and research.

  • Fellow Wellness

    Fellow wellness is a top priority within our fellowship training program.

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