In addition to the residents' primary continuity clinic, GHT track residents work in a second community-based clinic site focused on issues of community health and immigrant health. Sites include:

Prevention Point Street-Side Health Project

Prevention Point Philadelphia (PPP) is a multi-service public health organization committed to protecting the health and welfare of the homeless, the uninsured, individuals suffering from substance abuse, and sex industry workers. Founded in 1991 by a group of concerned citizens and intravenous drug users, PPP uses a harm reduction approach to public health. Penn has been involved with the agency since 2008 through its Street-Side Health Project (SSHP), a program founded as a partnership with several area universities. The clinic primarily serves people who inject drug or sex workers, uninsured or underinsured, and those living on the streets or in shelters. The clinic aims to bring primary health care, screening, family planning, referrals and other basic medical services to some of the most medically underserved populations in Philadelphia. For more information, please see

Jonathan Lax Center/Philadelphia FIGHT

The Lax Center is housed within Philadelphia FIGHT, a Ryan White funded clinic at a Federally Qualified Health Center, and one of the major providers of HIV care and services in Philadelphia. This clinic serves over 1,700 HIV positive patients, both insured and uninsured. Services offered include clinical care (both primary care and HIV management), mental health, pharmacy assistance, case management, phlebotomy, and educational courses. FIGHT also has additional tailored services addressing the unique needs of several specific populations, including HIV positive women, returning citizens (ex-offenders), adolescents, and HIV positive Latinos. See:

Puentes de Salud

Puentes de Salud is a nonprofit organization that promotes the health and wellness of South Philadelphia’s rapidly growing Latino immigrant population through high-quality health care, innovative educational programs, and community building. Many of the patients served by this clinic are recent immigrants or undocumented individuals with little or no access to health care. The clinic serves over 1,500 patients in twice-weekly sessions, and is community based, with active community health worker (promotores) involvement and a variety of community driven health projects. For more information:

Philadelphia County Prison Health

Philadelphia County Prison health provides health care to residents of the county jails. Dr. Deb D’Aquilante is the sole physician in charge of the provision of health care to Philadelphia’s HIV-positive prison population and is also the only infectious disease consultant for the county jails. Provision of health care and HIV care to these patients can be complex, challenging and rewarding. Residents work by Dr. D’Aquilante’s side in provision of this care in the Philadelphia county jails.

Refugee Clinic at the Penn Center for Primary Care

Based at the Penn Center for Primary Care, this clinic provides initial care and screenings to refugees hosted by HIAS Pennsylvania. Refugees are seen within 30 days of arrival and are given a complete health screen. In addition, acute health issues are addressed. Residents develop experience working with interpretation services, culturally distinct populations, nutritional deficiencies, and tropical diseases including tuberculosis, malaria, hepatitis B, strongyloidiasis, schistosomiasis, and intestinal parasitosis. The clinic operates once weekly on Monday afternoons and is organized jointly with the Primary Care Track of the Internal Medicine residency program.

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