Throughout the three years of residency, we interweave a “Care of the Community” curriculum with the goal of training excellent physicians to practice in resource poor settings and to better understand their patients and the communities that they serve. This curriculum is comprised of in-person seminars and workshops as well as experiential learning.


  • Introduction to Community Health and Disparities in Philadelphia
  • The Opioid Epidemic in Philadelphia
  • Vacant Lot Greenspacing in Philadelphia
  • Gun Violence
  • Homelessness and Policy
  • Indian Health Service
  • Penn’s Community Health Worker program
  • Food Insecurity
  • Philadelphia Department of Public Health Initiatives
  • Care of undocumented patients
  • Medicaid Policy in the US


  • Implicit Bias
  • Op-Ed Writing / Finding the Physician Voice
  • Medication-Assisted Therapy Waiver Training


  • Social justice book club
  • Advocacy
  • Community tour focusing on the history of West Philadelphia and the lived experience of our patients
  • Visiting Law Makers (“Hill Day”)
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