Introduction to Clinical Medicine Core 1 (303) ICM – First Instruction of Required Skills Training is a first year fall introductory course consisting of five sessions that is paired with the gross anatomy course.   This course highlights the history, physical exam, organ based surface anatomy and ultrasound, and introduces anatomic differential diagnosis timed with gross anatomy dissection.  

Introduction to Clinical Medicine Core 1 (306) – first year spring (6 sessions), second year fall (7 sessions) teaches history and physical exam. There are 11 small group sessions on various aspects of the history and physical exam that are taught with standardized patients, as well as many sub-specialty sessions with experts in the field teaching various focal aspects of the history and physical exam. The course also includes “Round Robins” where students are introduced to abnormal physical exam findings and teaches the genital exam.

Differential Diagnosis (MD305) is a second year fall course immediately following Introduction to Clinical Medicine (MD306) focusing on developing differential diagnosis and clinical reasoning skills and bias. The eight sessions consist of a daily lecture and small group discussion, and teaches students practical tools and critical thinking skills.

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