Geriatric Medicine (MED306)
Rachel Miller, MD, MESd
This course provides clinical and didactic instruction in geriatric medicine, emphasizing the assessment, management, and prevention of acute and chronic health problems of the elderly. Through a combination of outpatient, primary and specialty (60%), home care (20%), and nursing home (20%). Students will learn aging physiology, age effects on the presentation of illness, and the diagnosis and treatment of the most important medical problems in the elderly. Most importantly, they will learn to evaluate the frail elderly patient with multiple coexisting medical, social, psychiatric and functional status problems. Clinical sites include an outpatient private practice adjacent to the medical school campus, a nursing home facility, also within walking distance, and inpatient consultation and primary care services at the Penn Presbyterian Hospital and VAMC.
Coordinator: Beth Garstkiewicz, MSEd
Location: 3615 Chestnut, Ste 219 – 8:00AM