Birthplace: Cambridge, Massachusetts
Hometown: Newton, Massachusetts
Internship: Mt Sinai West Internal Medicine
Hobbies and Interests: Puzzles, trivia nights, trying new restaurants, traveling, baking, going to museums
Professional/Research Interests: Possibly nucs
Interesting Fact: My team won my first trivia night ever at a pub in Leeds, UK -- haven't won again since.
About Dr. Ho
Bianca Ho, MD, is a first year diagnostic radiology resident on the clinical track. She is still exploring all the different fields that radiology has to offer, but is particularly looking forward to learning more about nuclear medicine. She has particular interests in medical education, recruitment of women in radiology, and building supportive communities in medicine. She is excited to join like minded colleagues in the Women In Radiology (WIR) group to contribute to the Penn community and beyond.