Penn Radiology Residents in Nuclear Imaging Room

Fostering an inclusive community

Penn Radiology and the Penn Radiology residency program are highly committed to inclusion, diversity and equity — principles we regard as essential to our mission of delivering high quality, high value and equitable patient care. Our program is dedicated to bringing together and supporting strong groups of future radiologists with diversity in experiences and identity — including age, gender, nationality, physical abilities, race/ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation - who can be leaders in delivering culturally competent patient care and in addressing health care disparities.

We seek to create a community where all members can thrive, through inclusion of initiatives to improve recruitment, education, mentorship and our workplace environment — many of which are led by our amazing residents.


Penn Radiology Diversity Spotlight

Yu Sakai, MD
Diagnostic Radiology Resident
Class of 2026

Education: University of Pennsylvania/Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

What does "diversity" mean to you?
Comprehensive viewpoints/representations are necessary to develop ideas that benefit society as a whole, not just individual groups.

What makes Penn Radiology Diverse?
People coming from different backgrounds who are also open-minded and respectful about each other's backgrounds.

More about Dr. Sakai

See more Spotlights and hear from our residents on Twitter


In This Section

  • IDE Subcommittee

    We are a resident-led body within our Department’s Office of Inclusion, Diversity and Equity working to foster diversity and promote inclusivity and equity in our program.

  • Women In Radiology

    Women In Radiology is a forum for mentorship, sponsorship, networking, professional and leadership skills development, and social support.

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