Attendance - Educational attendance at scientific society meetings, courses and conferences by current housestaff require written prior approval:

Please submit Pre-Trip Form and your acceptance email to your coordinator for approval before making arrangements.

Housestaff in training programs that are 5 years in length or greater, may be reimbursed for travel and registration to ONE, non presenting course/conference per year in the last 2 clinical years of training up to $1500.

Important Reimbursement Information

Division of Surgical Education reimbursement of expenses for attendance of current housestaff at scientific society meetings will be defined by these rules:

Type of Trip Frequency Duration Limit Geographic Limit Paper/Poster Presentation and Other Requirements
Podium Presentation Unlimited Length of conference with travel time* Continental U.S. (this excludes travel to Hawaii and Alaska)** Work must be done at Penn
Poster Unlimited Day of presentation plus travel time* Continental U.S. (this excludes travel to Hawaii and Alaska) Work must be done at Penn
Session Moderator/
Committee Member
Unlimited Day of session plus travel time* Continental U.S. (this excludes travel to Hawaii and Alaska) Work must be done at Penn

*travel time is defined as one extra day on each end of your trip for travel from and back to Philadelphia if necessary.

**International trips may be considered. DSE will reimburse 50% of travel/costs with the expectation that a trainee's PI/home clinical division supports the remaining 50%.

The individual resident, not the department, will bear the added expense of poor planning. Meeting registration fees will be only at the resident rate. All trip approvals and reimbursement for surgery housestaff will be handled by the Division of Surgery Education.

Please submit your receipts and documentation to your program coordinator as follows:

  • General Surgery – Jenna Countie
  • Urology – Gretchen Harz
  • Plastic Surgery – Kris Gallagher
  • Breast, Colon and Rectal, SIM - Emmy Munroe
  • Cardiothoracic - Mzisa Pontrelli
  • Vascular and Transplant - Kimberly Klepesky
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