The Residents' Executive Council is an open forum for all residents to discuss issues concerning the surgery residency training years. The Council meets on the last Friday of each month. Agenda items should be sent to the committee chair.

The vitality of the residency depends on active participation in this committee as an effort to provide input from the residents to the Department. It only works if the residents participate actively.

FY24 REC chart 


  • 1 representative per training year in both categorical and preliminary programs.
  • May self nominate / elected by class members.
  • Will act as a bidirectional liason between their class and REC
  • Representatives will be held accountable to:
    • Actively communicate with their group
    • Represent the interests of their training year and not personal interests

Residents' Executive Council

  • Composed of 9 representatives including REC Chair, REC Chair elect
  • Meets monthly and as needed; resident members and Program Director attend the meetings, non-members welcome to join.
  • Meets monthly and as needed
    • Class Reps, Program Director, Associate Program Directors, Program Administrator ecpected to attend all meetings.
    • Meetings are open to all general surgery residents.
  • Committee that formulates resident policies and schedules, including:
    • Service specific goals
    • Educational Programs
    • Yearly slotting – February
    • Provides official resident position on various issues

Chair and Chair-Elect - Selection

  • Elected by majority vote based on an anonymous survey/election
  • Must be a lab resident, given time constraints
  • Must be nominated, self nominations allowed
  • First serves as REC Chair-elect, so as to allow a period of overlap and systems education with prior REC chair
  • Elected in Spring, assumes position on July 1.

Chair and Chair-Elect Responsibilities

  • Attends weekly DSE meetings
  • Chairs REC and Surgery Resident Council Meetings, including dissemination of meeting minutes
  • Maintains active role in Housestaff Committee/GMEC
  • Monitors and manages scheduling issues with program director’s assistance
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