SOD call coverage by residents performing research outside of Philadelphia.


  1. Away residents must take SOD call 10 times per year of away research with a maximum of 20 times total. Those residents who entered the lab prior to July 1, 2008 must take SOD call 10 times in total.
  2. Away residents can take SOD call via multiple methods, and can choose whichever method(s) are most appealing to them.
  3. An away resident will cover consult pager call when they have not yet finished the CY-3 year. Once they finish the CY-3 year, they will cover SOD call.
  4. If the away resident is covering call during their clinical duty years, they may make up calls at PAH or HUP.
  5. Making up the required number of calls is the responsibility of the resident.

Methods of Covering SOD Call

  1. Return to HUP to cover SOD call during the research year(s). The away resident may choose which dates are most convenient to facilitate travel. (each call=1)
  2. Cover extra SOD call during the CY 4/5 years:
    1. Take 12 extra hours of SOD call during one of their “on” weekends. One of the other residents in that SOD rotation will have no SOD responsibilities that weekend, but will still cover their service.
  3. Cover SOD call for fellow CY-4 residents on interviews. (each call=1)
  4. Cover SOD call on holidays during CY 4/5 years (each 12hr holiday call=1). Cover SOD call on holidays during research years (each 12hr call=2).
    1. If holiday falls on a weekday, away resident is in-house senior resident 12 hours during day (6a-6p=1).
    2. If holiday falls on weekend, away resident covers a SOD shift that weekend (New Year’s Eve, New Year’s day, Easter Saturday or Sunday, Memorial Day Saturday/Sunday, July 3, 4, or 5 if on weekend, Saturday/Sunday of Labor day weekend, Saturday/Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend, Dec 24/25 if on weekend). (each 12hr call=1)
  5. Do a nightfloat SOD rotation during CY 4 or CY 5 year (only eligible if slotting allows).
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