Hannah Calvelli
Medical School: Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University Undergraduate: Rutgers University

About Dr. Calvelli

Hannah Calvelli is a PGY-1 categorical general surgery resident from Flemington, New Jersey. She received her BA in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry from Rutgers University and graduated summa cum laude as a Presidential Scholar. As a medical student, Hannah pursued a dual MD, MAUB (Master of Arts in Urban Bioethics) at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University, where she explored the bioethical challenges facing patients who are incarcerated. Her research interests include ethical issues in surgical care, disparities within the carceral health system, and the relationship between health equity and surgical outcomes. She plans to pursue a career in academic surgery with clinical interests in colorectal surgery and trauma/critical care.


2020 - 2024
MD, MAUB Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University

2016 - 2020
BA - Rutgers University - New Brunswick
(Molecular Biology and Biochemistry)


2023 - present
Society of Thoracic Surgeons

2023 - present
Association for Academic Surgery

2023 - present
American Medical Association

2022 - present
American College of Surgeons

2022 - present
Metropolitan Philadelphia Chapter of American College of Surgeons


Susan and Robert Probst Prize in Surgery
Alpha Omega Alpha
American Society of Nephrology Kidney Students and Residents Award
Rutgers Aresty Research Fellowship Award
Rutgers Cap and Skull Honor Society
Rutgers Chancellor’s Leadership Award
Rutgers Matthew Leydt Society
National Institutes of Health Exceptional Summer Student Award
Phi Beta Kappa
Rutgers Honors College Changemaker Award
Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences Excellence Award


Hannah’s passion for research began as an undergraduate student working in a bioengineering lab, where she explored applications of nanoparticle technology in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. She further pursued her interest in the basic sciences as a summer research intern at the National Institutes of Health and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, where she completed projects on the role of mitochondrial damage in neurodegeneration and on lipid-stabilized nanoparticles for chemotherapeutic drug delivery. Upon entering medical school, Hannah transitioned to clinical research in nephrology, investigating the influence of patient social networks on attitudes and behaviors towards kidney transplantation, and cardiothoracic surgery, investigating clinical outcomes after heart and lung transplantation.


Original Papers

  1. Francis, N.L., Zhao, N., Calvelli, H.R., Saini, A., Gifford, J.J., Wagner, G.C., Cohen, R.I., Pang, Z.P., Moghe, P.V.: Peptide-based scaffolds for the culture and transplantation of human dopaminergic neurons. Tissue Engineering Part A 26:193-205, 2019
  2. Zhao, N., Yang, X., Calvelli, H.R., Cao, Y., Francis, N.L., Chmielowski, R.A., Joseph, L.B., Pang, Z.P., Uhrich, K.E., Baum, J., Moghe, P.V.: Antioxidant nanoparticles for concerted inhibition of α-synuclein fibrillization, and attenuation of microglial intracellular aggregation and activation. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 8:112, 2020
  3. Liu, Y.T., Sliter, D.A., Shammas, M.K., Huang, X., Wang, C., Calvelli, H.R., Maric, D.S., Narendra, D.P.:  Mt-Keima detects PINK1-PRKN mitophagy in vivo with greater sensitivity than mito-QC. Autophagy 17:3753-3762, 2021
  4. Liu, Y.T., Sliter, D.A., Shammas, M.K., Huang, X., Wang, C., Calvelli, H.R., Maric, D.S., Narendra, D.P.: Comment on "Mt-Keima detects PINK1-PRKN mitophagy in vivo with greater sensitivity than mito-QC". Autophagy 17:4484-4485, 2021
  5. Zhao, N., Francis, N.L., Song, S., Kholodovych, V., Calvelli, H.R., Hoop, C.L., Pang, Z.P., Baum, J., Uhrich, K.E., Moghe, P.V.: CD36-Binding Amphiphilic Nanoparticles for Attenuation of Alpha Synuclein-Induced Microglial Activation. Advanced NanoBiomed Research 2:2100120, 2022
  6. Calvelli, H.R., Duffield, O., Tuohy, B. Closing a Gap in Medical Education: Service Learning to Address Health Inequity in Prisons. Medical Education 57:1, 2023
  7. Hanna, K., Calvelli, H.R., Kashem, M.A., Zhao, H., Cheng, K., Leotta, E., Yanagida, R., Shigemura, N., Toyoda, Y.: Donor and Recipient Age in Interstitial Lung Disease: Types of Lung Transplant Survival Outcomes. Journal of Surgical Research 293:136-143, 2023
  8. Calvelli, H.R., Carp, J.E., Tuohy, B.: Voices of the Unheard: Informed Consent and Autonomy for Patients in Prison. Rutgers Journal of Bioethics 15, 2024
  9. Calvelli, H.R., Duffield, O., Tuohy, B.: Why Medical Students Should Learn About Prison Health. The BMJ 384:q213, 2024
  10. Calvelli, H.R., Hanna, K., Kashem, M.A., Zhao, H., Cheng, K., Raman, R., Toyoda, Y.: Open-Heart Surgery in Patients with Cirrhosis: Variables Associated with Survival Outcomes. Surgery Case Reports 1:100006, 2024
  11. Calvelli, H.R., Gardiner, H.M., Gadegbeku, C.A., Reese, P.P., Obradovic, Z., Fink, E.L., Gillespie, A.: A Social Network Analysis of Hemodialysis Clinics: Attitudes Towards Living Donor Kidney Transplant Among Influential Patients. Kidney360 5:577-588, 2024
  12. Calvelli, H.R., Chai, L.F., Nakata, J.A., Sadeghi, J.K., Burrows, W.M., Friedberg, J.S.: Circumferential Pulmonary Ossification from Lung Extra-Skeletal Osteosarcoma with Mediastinal Shift. Annals of Thoracic Surgery Short Reports 2024
  13. Kashem, M.A., Calvelli, H.R., Warnick, M., Kehara, H., Dulam, V., Zhao, H., Yanagida, R., Shigemura, N., Toyoda, Y.: A Single-Center Analysis of Lung Transplantation Outcomes in Recipients Aged 70 or Older. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2024

Abstracts & Presentations

  1. Tuohy, B., Calvelli, H.R., Duffield, O.: Supreme Court and Supreme Ethical Failures: Immigration, Bioethics, and the Courts. American Society for Bioethics and Humanities Annual Conference/Portland, OR, 2022
  2. Calvelli, H.R., Gillespie, A., Gardiner, H.M., Gadegbeku, C.A., Reese, P.P., Obradovic, Z., Fink, E.L.: How do Kidney Transplant Attitudes and Behaviors affect Popularity and Influence within the Hemodialysis Clinic Social Network? American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week/Orlando, FL, 2022
  3. Gillespie, A., Daw, J., Corradi, A., Lee, B.E., Calvelli, H.R., Quinn, S.B., Pfeffer, Z., Gardiner, H.M., Fink, E.L., Gadegbeku, C.A., Reese, P.P., Obradovic, Z.: Incarceration of Black ESKD Patients’ Family Members and Living Kidney Donation. American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week/Orlando, FL, 2022
  4. Lee, B.E., Calvelli, H.R., Gayner, A., Gillespie, A.: Hemodialysis Patient Social Networks and Kidney Transplantation. Dialysis Clinic, Inc. Symposium/Philadelphia, PA, 2023
  5. Calvelli, H.R., Gillespie, A., Gardiner, H.M., Gadegbeku, C.A., Reese, P.P., Obradovic, Z., Fink, E.L.: How do Kidney Transplant Attitudes and Behaviors affect Popularity and Influence within the Hemodialysis Clinic Social Network? Sol Sherry Research Symposium/Philadelphia, PA, 2023
  6. Gayner, A., Calvelli, H.R., Gardiner, H.M., Gadegbeku, C.A., Reese, P.P., Obradovic, Z., Fink, E.L., Gillespie, A.: Social Networks and Renal Education: Promoting Transplantation (SNARE). Sol Sherry Research Symposium/Philadelphia, PA, 2023
  7. Calvelli, H.R., Gardiner, H.M., Gadegbeku, C.A., Reese, P.P., Obradovic, Z., Fink, E.L., Gillespie, A.: A Tale of Two Clinics: Hemodialysis Clinic Social Network Analysis of Patient Attitudes and Behaviors Towards Kidney Transplant. Future Physician Research Symposium/Philadelphia, PA, 2023
  8. Calvelli, H.R., Tuohy, B., Duffield, O.: Prison Health and Medical Education: Integrating Service Learning in Competency-Based Medical Education. American Medical Association Change MedEd Conference/Chicago, IL, 2023
  9. Roth, E., Paterson, C., Fajardo, R., Calvelli, H.R., Decker, C., Santora, T.: Penetrating firearm bullet embolization from the inferior vena cava to the right ventricle. Metropolitan Philadelphia Chapter of American College of Surgeons/Philadelphia, PA, 2023
  10. Calvelli, H.R., Hanna, K., Kashem, M.A., Zhao, H., Cheng, K., Raman, R., Toyoda, Y.: Open-Heart Surgery in Patients with Cirrhosis: Variables Associated with Survival Outcomes. American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress/Boston, MA, 2023
  11. Calvelli, H.R., Gillespie, A., Gardiner, H.M., Gadegbeku, C.A., Reese, P.P., Obradovic, Z., Fink, E.L.: A Social Network Analysis of Hemodialysis Clinics: Attitudes Towards Living Donor Kidney Transplant Among Influential Patients. American Medical Association Research Challenge/Virtual, 2023
  12. Gayner, A., Calvelli, H.R., Gardiner, H.M., Obradovic, Z., Reese, P.P., Fink, E.L., Gadegbeku, C.A., Gillespie A.: Unraveling the Hemodialysis Patient Network: Results from the Social Network and Renal Education (SNARE) Transplant Intervention. American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week/Philadelphia, PA, 2023
  13. Noel, E., Balina, H., Calvelli, H.R., Koratala, A., Gillespie, A.: Discordance between the initial etiological diagnosis of acute kidney injury and that of the nephrologist based on a VExUS study in an acute care setting. American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week/Philadelphia, PA, 2023
  14. Calvelli, H.R., Kashem, M.A., Brown, M., Hanna, K., Toyoda, Y.: Survival Outcomes Among Patients with Combined Left and Right Ventricular Assist Device as a Bridge to Heart Transplant. Society of Thoracic Surgeons Annual Meeting/San Antonio, TX, 2024
  15. Calvelli, H.R., Duffield, O., Tuohy, B.: Beyond the Walls: Building Empathy in Prison Health Through Service Learning. Gold Humanism Summit/Atlanta, GA, 2024
  16. Calvelli, H.R., Kashem, M.A., Raman, R., Kehara, H., Hanna, K., Cheng, K., Azuma, M., May, R., Toyoda, Y.:  Risk of Mortality in Patients Requiring Reoperative Open-Heart Surgery. Academic Surgical Congress/Washington, DC, 2024
  17. DeAntonis, C., Jahngir, M., Calvelli, H.R., Gillespie, A.: Pulmonary Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease: Is Arteriovenous Access the Culprit or an Innocent Bystander? American Society of Diagnostic and Interventional Nephrology Conference/New Orleans, LA, 2024
  18. Kashem, M.A., Calvelli, H.R., Azuma, M., Zhao, H., Toyoda, Y.: A Single-Center Analysis of Lung Transplantation Outcomes Comparing Donation After Circulatory Death and Donation After Brain Death. International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation/Prague, CZ, 2024
  19. Kashem, M.A., Loor, G., Hartwig, M., Van Raemdonck, D., Villavicencio, M., Ius, F., Ghadimi, K., Salman, J., Chandrashekaran, S., Machuca, T., Sanchez, P.G., Subramaniam, K., Neyrinck, A., Warnick, M., Calvelli, H.R., Zhao, H., Huddleston, S., Osho, A., D'Silva, E., Ramamurthy, U., Leon Pena, A., Salan-Gomez, M., Shaffer, A., Langer, A., Emtiazjoo, A., Toyoda, Y.: Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion is Effective in Lung Transplantation: A Multi-Center Registry Data Study. International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation/Prague, CZ, 2024
  20. Brown, M., Calvelli, H.R., Gonipati, S., Kashem, M.A., Yanagida, R., Toyoda, Y.: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Lung Transplant Allocation and Outcomes. International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation/Prague, CZ, 2024
  21. Azuma, M., Kashem, M.A., Calvelli, H.R., Raman, R., Toyoda, Y.: Mitral Valve Re-Operation: Considerations for Open Heart Procedures. American Association for Thoracic Surgery/Toronto, CA, 2024
  22. Calvelli, H.R., Duffield, O., Tuohy, B.: Beyond the Walls: Building Empathy in Prison Health Through Service Learning. Northeast Group on Educational Affairs Annual Meeting/New York, NY, 2024
  23. Calvelli, H.R., Kashem, M.A., Yanagida, R., Shigemura, N., Krishan, K., Leotta, E., Kehara, H., Toyoda, Y.: A New Frontier in Lung Transplantation: A Single-Center Experience with the Paragonix LUNGguard Preservation System. American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress/San Francisco, CA, 2024

Editorials, Reviews, Chapters

  1. Gonda, A., Zhao, N., Shah, J.V., Calvelli, H.R., Kantamneni, H., Francis, N.L., Ganapathy, V.: Engineering tumor-targeting nanoparticles as vehicles for precision nanomedicine. Med One 4:e190021, 2019
  2. Calvelli, H.R., Krigman, J., Onishi, M., Narendra, D.P., Sun, N., Okamoto, K.: Detection of mitophagy in mammalian cells, mice, and yeast. Methods in Cell Biology 155:557-579, 2019
  3. Zhao, N., Francis, N.L., Calvelli, H.R., Moghe, P.V.: Microglia-targeting nanotherapeutics for neurodegenerative diseases. APL Bioengineering 4:030902, 2020
  4. Shaikh F.A., Khalil, S.I., Ander, E.H., Calvelli, H.R., Kashem, M.A., Mokashi, S.A.: Cerebral Protection Strategies for Type A Aortic Dissection Repair. Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 39:308-314, 2023
  5. Calvelli, H.R., Duffield, O., Tuohy, B.: Left in the Dark: The Censorship of Health Literature in Prisons. KevinMD 2024
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