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Course Information

Please refer to the Trauma Nurses website for updates from the STN regarding ATCN (including expiration date extensions) during the pandemic:

ATCN Student Course, Hybrid Format:

New in 2021!

The Hybrid Course is an alternative option to the traditional 2-day ATCN Student Course.  Students registered for the Hybrid Option will be required to complete a pre-test and a full complement of self-paced online mATLS Learning Modules in an online learning management system.  After successful completion of the mATLS modules, the student must then complete the ATCN skills stations, skills test, and written examination in an in-person classroom setting. The ATCN Hybrid course has been approved for 19 continuing education hours per the STN.

ATCN Student Course, Traditional 2-Day Format:

Advanced Trauma Care for Nurses (ATCN) is taught concurrently with approved Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Courses.

The ATCN course was developed in response to a need for advanced trauma education for nurses. The ATCN course has been operational for over twenty years and is under the auspices of the Society of Trauma Nurses (STN). STN is a professional, international nursing organization that spans the continuum of trauma care.

Benefits of the ATCN Course include an educational, team building, collaborative, synchronized approach to trauma care as trauma nurses share didactic lectures with the physician attendees of the ATLS Course. Physicians and nurses caring for trauma patients have the opportunity to share a common language and approach to trauma care. When the ATLS attendees break out for physician skill stations the ATCN nurses join small group trauma nursing skill stations.

The ATCN skill stations are based on an interactive "hands-on" scenario-based approach to adult education. The practical testing stations allow the ATCN students to demonstrate the application of ATLS and ATCN information on a moulaged patient. ATCN students are given both the ATLS Student Manual and the ATCN Student Manual.

The STN-ATCN Program verifies successful completion of the ATCN Course and provides continuing education credit for completion of a course.

Registration Process

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