Pennsylvania Hospital is staffed by faculty members from University of Pennsylvania Health System and Perelman School of Medicine. We are proud to have local faculty representing each relevant subspecialty of internal medicine who are actively engaged in research projects and resident mentorship – many are national and international leaders in their field.

Our residents work directly with faculty throughout their training, and our tightknit “communiversity” environment means that mentoring relationships develop naturally over the course of intern year. More formally, each intern is also assigned a mentor by the program who provides a bridge for the intern until they gravitate towards their ultimate career mentors. Outside of Pennsylvania Hospital, some of our residents will opt to develop mentor or research relationships with fellows and attendings at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, which has many additional opportunities.

Our program places a high value on resident research, and is proud to be able to provide a stipend for each house officer to attend a conference where they are presenting their work. We also host a local Research Day at our hospital so we can highlight all of the effort put forward by our amazing house-officers.

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