The 2nd Annual GI Fellow Bootcamp will be held on Penn's campus on Saturday, July 12th all day and Sunday, July 13th until noon. The main goal of the bootcamp is quick learning for the new GI fellow.

Topics will include: upper and lower GI endoscopy, management of GI bleeding, anticoagulation, anesthesia, and basic management of routine conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, abnormal liver enzymes, and cirrhosis. Though the target audience is new GI fellows, course content will be appropriate for a variety of learnings, including nurses, GI interested internal medicine residents, and GI advanced practice providers.

Please see last year’s Boot Camp itinerary. We plan to make this year’s event even more dynamic!

Course registration is free. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

Register Today! Click Here to register!

Program Contact: Alishah Powell, Fellowship Programs Coordinator

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