CECPR has three different fellowship opportunities: two year fellowship in association with the MSHP program, Summer Medical Student Fellowship, and “Year-out” Medical Student Fellowship.

Two year CECPR Fellowship

This fellowship is arranged on an individual basis for Emergency Physicians who have research interests related to the quality of emergency care, health policy, social media, public health, and access to care. The CECPR fellowship is a mentored research program, sponsored by the Department of Emergency Medicine in association with the Master's program in Health Policy. Fellows enter into an established two year fellowship training program at the University of Pennsylvania and benefit from structured research training in the form of coursework leading to Master of Science degree in Health Policy Research (MSHP), standing research in progress meetings, group leadership training, and an individualized career development curriculum.

Year Out Medical Student Fellowship

Offered to medical students who opt to take a year off, often in between their third and fourth years, to gain valuable experience in health services research and health policy. Fellows will work closely and support the research work of one or more CECPR Core Emergency Medicine Faculty. They will have individualized projects that may result in opportunities to submit and present at national conferences, and producing manuscripts for publication. The fellowship is a full-time position, and provides a monthly stipend for a full year from May through April.

Summer Medical Student Fellowship

Offered to medical students with an interest in emergency care and health services research. The fellowship provides $2000 to support a student to work one on one with a CECPR faculty mentor to complete a eight to 10 week summer research project. (More Information)

For more information on applying to a CECPR Fellowship, contact Fellowship Director zfm@pennmedicine.upenn.edu

Two of our current CECPR faculty (Zack Meisel and Raina Merchant) are alumni of, and faculty members in, the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar's Program, a rigorous and prestigious health services research fellowship. Raina Merchant is an Associate Director of the program (Penn RWJ Clinical Scholar's Program), which has two emergency medicine clinical scholars. All CECPR faculty are active in mentoring RWJ Clinical Scholars.

Learn more about our Center for Emergency Care Policy & Research.

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