The subspecialty of Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine deals with the therapeutic use of high environmental oxygen pressure and the prevention of injury and illness due to exposure to environments with elevated ambient pressure. The scope of the subspecialty emphasizes occupational, environmental, safety, and clinical aspects of diving, hyperbaric chamber operations and hyperbaric oxygen (HB02) therapy. At completion of the fellowship, the trainee will:
- Develop a knowledge base and clinical skills necessary to:
- Evaluate and prescribe appropriate HB02 therapy for all the medical conditions accepted by the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society as amenable to treatment.
- Manage patients during hyperbaric treatment.
- Evaluate individuals for scuba diving activities, and treat diving-related illnesses.
- Discuss investigational indications for the use of HB02 and areas for future research.
- Develop requisite academic skills to be an effective teacher and researcher in diving and hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Fellowship candidates must be graduates of an approved residency and hold or obtain a valid medical license for the state of Pennsylvania. The educational program is designed for two fellows per year. The core focus is participation in clinical and research activities of the Division of Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania.