Emergency Surgery Service

Emergency Surgery at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania has expanded since its inception. The division offers an in-house attending surgeon coverage with expedient operating room availability 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Expertise and vast experience in managing acute surgical emergencies including but not limited to abdominal catastrophes secondary to bowel perforation, obstruction or fistulization, abdominal compartment syndrome, severe necrotizing soft tissue infections, and biliary obstruction. We cater to the highly complex general and emergency surgical issues that could overwhelm a community hospital’s human and technical resources. The Emergency Surgery Service evaluates nearly 2000 patients annually and performs well over 1200 cases per year. We welcome all transfer requests and with an in –house attending available around the clock, we do our best to expedite all transfers in, especially those requiring surgical intensive care. Providers seeking transfer call 1-877-937-PENN for rapid, easy access to speak directly to an attending. For critically ill patients in need of immediate quaternary-level care, consider the vast, state-of-the –art resources at Penn Medicine.

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